You should be embarassed!!
Why? Because stealing other people's artwork for commercial purposes is simply disgusting. My "In Love" photograph have been used as a flyer design for an indie/new rave/electro club called EinsB in Göttingen, Germany.
Thank you very much.
sabar...u really shud put obvious watermarks on them...
ur artwork is to splendid dee thats why ppl did that!
there's this thing called Intellectual Property (IP). im not really sure how that works but maybe you could look it up to know further.
anyway, it's one thing to admire a person's work but this has really gone to far. chin up girl. totally random, but Idul Fitri is coming :)
Dee, maybe you should put your signature or watermarks in your photo/artworks, to make it easily identified. Make sure you put it in the significant spot to avoid cropping. Good luck...
:( I'm from Germany and love your blog. Sorry to hear that!
Oh, that is anoying, but ur artwork is great. Just try an dbe happy they used it!! :)
They should really have asked you if that was okè before they did that!
Oh, wow.. The artwork is awesome, but true, they should have asked
imitation is the most serious form of flattery. :)
they steal your picture. but they can't steal the source. you, your brain, your idea. riteeeee ?
imitation is the most serious form of flattery. :)
they steal your picture. but they can't steal the source. you, your brain, your idea. riteeeee ?
i imagine you would be annoyed and happy at the same time?
great work btw! love it!!!
They should ask for your permission first *sigh*
Letak watermarks aja foto2nya, dee..
di internet ini banyakk yang suka ngambil gambar sembarangan..
That is brutal!! Also flattering but brutal and awful!! Hey, I send you an interview requiest via email a while back, did you get it? It's a simple seven questions, please also let me know if you are NOT interested. Will resend now from eyeliah (at) hotmail (dot) com
plagiat lagi ngtren kak,tapi sabar yah dan tetap berkarya . :D
I know how you feel. Your hard work and efforts has been violated.
people *sigh*
mba Di, sabar yaa. jahat bener dah tu org2. artworkny bagus bgt s. jdinya dpake deh. semngat! :D
eeeuuuwwwwww... disgusstiinggg.. hello people???!!!! Goshh.. hate them!!
hei, honey..
couldn't you do something about that?? They're taking advantages from your artwork, dear.. There should be something you could do.. like sue them, or asking for public statement, or so?
What do you think if Localtreat's in half price???
Okay, we giveyou SALE at LOCALTREAT NOW!!
happy shopping girls!! =D
sabar yh :) they're just stupid!
they really should be embarassed !
great and fantastic artwork btw.
ya lah, ur artworks are awesome. at least they should hv credited it to you kan.
OMG! Tht's rude. Is there any possible way to sue them,dee? They use ur photo for commercial reason!! Doh!
wedew ka'di, is it a picture from ur art work in devianart?..tenang ka'.berkah ramadhan buat kk, mungkin Allah mau ngasih hadiah special deket2 ini ke kk^^..wait n see aja..
kayaknya ka diana hrs ngasih watermark sama peringatan di deviationnya. biar ga dipake seenaknya, apalagi ka diana kan uda popular di dA
Yea put watermarks signature on each and every artwork or photos you have done.
OMG! I think they should talk to you before. But maybe you should a lil bit proud to K'Di because you look lovely on that pic so anyone want to use it but they've got a wrong way by not told you before x(
YES. put watermarks.
OMG, parah banget.. ckck
Tapi mbak diana bangga juga kaaaaaaannn?? Artworknya dipake ampe ke german getoh..
An indie club ???
This happens alot to you
sabar ya kaaaaa , but u should be proud too cause that means your artworks are so damn cool :)
tapi emang keren kok ! saluuuuute ! ^^
Sue sue sue. Know your rights and claim what is yours (Intellectual Property).
Oh and you might want to use the copyright thing, there's this website but I'm not really sure how it functions.
This is injustice. You should at least notify the club owners. I bet in the US, they'd just sue these people, kan?
makanya kalo ga mau dicolong, ga usah di pajang-pajang di internet sebelum di hak cipta, mbak!
wow.. you should be asking for a royalty then di... hehe.. it's such ashamed for those people..
waw... keren! berarti artwork kamu keren banget, sampe dipake gitu....
tutup aja account di deviantartnya dee....
drpd dipake ma org2 yg gak bertanggung jawab lg!!!
cuma saran aja nih ya,
mending semua gambar gambar kak Diana
yg di deviantart itu,
dihapus dulu.
terus kasih watermark yang besar
di titik yg ga bisa di crop,
terus upload lagi deh :)
soalnya pas masih jaman FS dulu :p
saya sering lihat gambar gambar itu
dipake di layout yang ada di website penyedia layout fs,
atau di web penyedia gambar testimonials yg glitter glitter apalah gitu
dan pas saya buka deviantartnya kak diana,
saya inget sering lihat gambar gambar itu.
dan jadi tau deh siapa sebenernya yg bikin :)
hehe. cuma saran aja sih. sori kepanjangan. thx ^^
sabar ya kak diana maybe they're just jealous makanya mentang2 jauh mreka ambil aja
Sue them?
msh bingung, gmn cara nge search fotonya ampe bsa ktm jd banner gtu? googling?
This is disgusting of them. You probably can't sue them, but here's what you CAN do:
There's a site called "You Thought We Wouldn't Notice" where people upload things like that, concerning stolen intellectual property from all creative areas, like graphic design, fashion, illustration, photography and web design. I think you should absolutely upload this case, so that everyone knows they steal other people's ideas.
liat positifnya aja..
ka diana benar2 TERKENAALL!
so unoriginal .
There are 2 ways to respond. One is disgusted while another is flattered. Positive is the key word. By the way, since Aidil Fitri is here, can you show us you in traditional clothes please? I would love to learn other cultures. Thanks.
Please don't flatter yourself and call that artwork.deviant art is like getty images for said 'stealing' hmm did s/he put his/her name for the design? Guess not. So it's not stealing then.
By the way, things like these have happened before, right? Why don't you stop complaining and start doing something to prevent others from stealing your so precious 'artworks'? What you do is bragging, and people hate that kind of snobbish attitude.
PS. Your face looks weird in the photo.
PS 2. Maybe you won't publish my comment but I just want you to know what others think about you.
sabar ya kaaa D:
aiieee.... it's the umpteenth time that this happened to u! argh! diana! do sumting! do sumting!!!!! ask them to pay or sumting...
they should pay you or at least thank you :)
VERY DISGUSTING. Put watermark start from now on!
thanks's a never ending issue, yes? i know i shud have put watermarks before, but now it's too late..thank you for all the info you guys have provided...will consider them all...muahhhh!! :)
sabar yaa Dii..memang begitulah dunia maya..susah dikontrolnya..
tspi brarti keren doooooooooooong..xixixii
You should hire a lawyer!! They have to pay you to use your pic!
Hi... kalo begitu kenapa lo post yang hi-res di DA? biasa gw kalo sayang sama karya gw dan ngga ingin diambil orang, gw post yg screen resolution aja biar ga dipake orang.. 600px, 72 dpi gt..
kalo screen resolution kan ngga bisa dicetak tanpa jadi pecah... paling2 5 cm mana bisa dipake flyer...
tp lo pernah belajar design kan? jadi at least ngerti kan soal bedanya resolusi cetak dan screen?
there are TONS of free stuff in the internet, like... banyak orang yg kasih stock di DA, dan cuma minta dikasi credit.. gw tau karena gw juga pake DA.. daripada marah, mending lo bilang sama orangnya, TANYA kenapa dia melakuan itu?...
maybe s/he was stupid enough to think that your work was some kind of stock..
toh bagus juga kan karya lo bisa dihargai orang?
mending lihat sisi positifnya daripada marah2x..
awww that's sucks anyway
and well yes
sayang banget kalo karya kita mpe dipake orang lain kaya gitu ya,kak >,<
yang sabar yah
kalo bisa si dicari and di telusuri contact person nya tuh orang ><
oh ya
by the way i also had seen that picture used in a friendster layout
is that a problem also,sis?
Your best compliment is, plagiarism?
Because you are awesome Diana!
And all the way in Germany! Awwwh.
I say, just take it as a compliment! :D
Nothing you can really do.
Love love love your blog!
hey, i've seen ppl in this business doing flyers. they'd just browse flickr or any other available foto site to keep pictures coming.
sabar ya kak :)
plagiat memang menyebalkan!
ka dee, im just your silent reader. but read this post made me wanna leave a comment. sabar ya, ka.
i agree with most comment. that u should put watermarks on ur evry single artwork. keep up ur great art ka dee...
wow u must be so angry n i thin u must be so proud of it coz are so famous!!!
u have to put watermark so somebody can't steal it...
so just ask about the royalti....
btw how did u know it?
takde keaslian langsung, btw i'm frm Malaysia and I love love lovee your blog. mwah (:
to all the readers of this blog:
yo, i know how it is to be plagiarized. it sucks and to all the people here who say it's a form of flattery, you've obviously never been plagiarized before and i pray it will never happen to you. it sucks, embarrassing and totally brings out the negative. so pardon Diana if she's a little mad, because she has every right to be. i respect her for not lashing out harshly and still kept her composure -unlike some of you who used this incident to lash out on HER. Diana's got class.
to Diana, girl, whether you put watermarks on them, or make the pictures unclickable, it won't stop these stupid people to copy your work as long as there's a print-screen technology. the best advice here is to lower your resolution. afterall, you're the one keeping the originals to look at and to really enjoy. so chin up, be awesome and don't let the foolery stop you from doing what you do best.
kata orang, makin tinggi pohon, makin kenceng angin. but i always ask: why be a free and wild high tree when you can be a beautiful bonsai with widespread roots and worth millions and millions? ;)
much much much respect! :D
thank you for all the support guys...really, really appreciate it...:)
anonymous: your comment really made my day...feels great to know that someone understands your feeling...moreover issues like this...thank you very much...much love :)
lovee yooour photo! :D
but i often see this photo in friendster layout
saya follower kamu di deviantart..
n i love all ur art works there as well as this "In Love".. ur style too! :)
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