Ahhhhh I'm so happy to have found these amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing tights...they're one of those things you quickly grab and get ya moving to the cashier without thinking twice heheh...
Also received some awesome necklaces from Hanny...thank you soooooooo much, dear!! The studded one below is one of em...visit BLANKIEHANG to see more of her creations...:)
i have been searching for a tights like that..but don't have any idea where to buy it.. Yg aku tau itu dari channel sama urban outfitters.. :( please.....tell mee...
waaa.. you're so always georgeous kak dee!
i love theem :D
dee was it form urban outfitters?
where did you get the tights? fabulous <3
dianaaaa thats so cool!
I have the same tshirt and I had it on today!
hahaha what a happenstance :)))
eeep, where did you get the tights??? ♥♥
Those panty's are from Chanel right?
I have a look-a-like
dem.like da tights!
i love the cute tights :O
Those tights are phenomenal!
Nice find!
Very reminiscent of Chanel. Great Job finding it!
loove your tights soo much.where did u get it from?
i love tha tihs is so fab nd ur shoes,oh my <3
Oh my gosh!I love those tights. It looks like from Chanel or maybe they are?
lovely!Is it from Chanel?
awesome tights!!!! want them! <3
Great tee!! Where did you buy it??
I was just admiring similar tights on someone today! They're fantastic.
wow the tight really great ! love it
it is totally cute tights!
beli tightsnya dimana kaaa? ada warna lain ga?
georgeus D ^
necklace is hardcore and those tights are fun, flattering!
wow....love your tights..keren...
haha i thought it was you leg di :)
so cute !!
like the tights too much..hoho,,
nice statement neklace,,simple,,but very excited to me,,
haha,,want to get it !
kak di, aku juga mau kasih freebie nih... i've send you an email..
kaos wajib deh kayaknya.. selalu tampak bagus kalo pake itu memang hehe ^^
i'm looking for that kind of tights since like ages...where did u find it? tell me tell me tell me :D
amazing outfit))
i have been searching for a tights like that..but don't have any idea where to buy it..
Yg aku tau itu dari channel sama urban outfitters..
please.....tell mee...
Do tell me whr u got the tights from. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE =D
waa beli dimana tightnya? aku pernah liat yg kyk gt di american apparel.
dpt drmana kak tightsnya?lucu.mauu:(
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