DR for Bloop Endorse shirt, Coloriot shorts, unbranded tights, Forever 21 necklace,
Nana boots
Nana boots
Below are some pictures during the event...and if you noticed, the color of the photos are slightly different than the usual as I used a new camera...;p And oh, I asked all the bloggers to take a picture with my orange bear hehehhe....

Some lovely readers that came...thank you! :)

Him: "Sharjeel eats Diana. Pacman!"
Thank you so much for dropping by and even shopping, peeps! Hope we meet some other time...:)
congrats on the yard sale. love your scalloped shorts!
Melai of Style and Soul
:O kamera barunya apa kaak? :D
Ohhh, I love your shorts where are they from ? x
Die, finally we met.. ^^.. you are the same as in blog and in real life, a nice and cool girl.. hehe.. see you again..
i couldn't come, the rain was so heavy dan juga udah mau 3in1.. T___T
Hi Kak Di, biasanya pake nikon coolpix kan? trus, foto2 yard sale kemarin pake kamera apa? thanks Kak Di
blognya bagus banget. tolong bantu saya cara buat blog seperti itu. thx before...
i wish i can be there :( :(
can you make blogger yard sale part 3? :p
whoaaaaaa... looks fun there!
i wish i could come :(
may i guess your new camera is Leica?
amiin :)
makasih ya kak eventnya ♥ ♥ ♥
semoga ada event seperti ini lagi
Xoxo ♥
Pinkie Anggia
congrats for your yard sale, i believe the items are extraordinary
gahhhhh I missed this ! i bet it was a more successful event than it was before !
and that pacman thing is sooo cute :)
btw kak . spatu lace up yg tinggi itu.. dari booth siapa ? i love it very much :)
hi diana
congrats again for the 2nd yard sale, finnaly able to came after missed the first one! :)
btw, is there any way i can have the photo that u took with ur camera? please? :)
btw, i noticed ur new gadget! is it olympus EP1? craving for new one too!
wait... i don't see Sabila Anata, where's she ?
hi there,
you have a very nice blog, i know you when i went to Bloop yesterday,asked the man at the cashier :)
you have a very nice collections there at Bloop, btw may i know where can i get those boots "jeffrey campbel look a like"
at your last post Part 2 Done.
foto ke 6 dear...
let me know ya...i wish i know this event before,... :(
salam kenal diana ^^
Interesting yard sale. Just wondering for stuff pricing that make others interested
Did the "High Voltage" necklace get sold? That is one bitchin' and ghetto-chic item!
your boy is sweet :$
too bad i can't attend the yard :(
diana kapan buat yang part 3? ikutan dong gw, kabar-kabarin yahhhhhhhh
kalau adain yang part 3 gw ikutan yah di
where was sabila anata? i didn't see her.
astaga ga ada poto ama gue. ckckckck...
Thank you so much, everyone!! :) Regarding my CAMERA, it's OLYMPUS EPL-1...super nice! :)
Tilda: shorts are from coloriot.co.uk...:)
hanny arianty gultom: we finally met! sooooo happyyy...:)
febriani djunaedi : looking forward to! do wait..:)
michelle_ : too bad you weren't there...hix. the shoes itu jualannya si June Paski...mantap yakkk
Ario Achda: sent already! do check your email! :) iyaaa EPL-1 hihih...seneng :)
anonymous: the shoes are from juneandjulia.blogspot.com...:)
Dhila Backstrom : the necklace was sold by Chekka of chekkacuomova.com...:)
Bena: bwhahahahaa maap iyeee tadi udah diupload...
Fai: yuk ngikut! :)
uuu mau belanja tapi uda chaos banget kmaren jadinya foto bareng aja... T_T
Cool stuffs Diana , Love it
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