I just finished read the article, you are so stunning, Kak Di! (as always) :D Rumahmu lucu banget, represent karakter kakak banget.
Ngomongin soal domain, aku juga baru ngeh kalau link blog kakak masih pake "blogspot", padahal aku nemu banyak fashion blogger yang mulau beralih ke dot com. Aku salut sama alasan kakak untuk nggak ganti ke dot com.
Sebenarnya pertama kali aku stumbling ke blog kakak karena curhatan pribadimu, bukan karena fashion. Walaupun aku bukan yg fashion interest banget, but I lovee the way you dress up.Keep rockin, Kak Di. Take care for all of your little family members! <3
My name is Amrit, and I stumbled across your blog as I was searching for indonesian Fashion blogs. You seem very stylish and up to date with your fashion sense. I was wondering if we could set up a meeting and discuss a possibility to work together. I have a project that requires talented individuals such as yourself.
Please let me know if you are interested, and we can have further discussions just to give you an idea of what is it we want to achieve.
My name is Amrit, and I stumbled across your blog as I was searching for indonesian Fashion blogs. You seem very stylish and up to date with your fashion sense. I was wondering if we could set up a meeting and discuss a possibility to work together. I have a project that requires talented individuals such as yourself.
Please let me know if you are interested, and we can have further discussions just to give you an idea of what is it we want to achieve.
Suka banget sama rumah barunya kak Diana:))<3
So proud of you kak :) pencetus pertama fashion blog di indonesia. and congrats once again kak! :*
You're inspiring woman. Love your home so much
You're inspiring woman. Love your home so much
I love ur house :)
your house is absolutely beautiful :)
Really love the interior.... so colourful...fresh...amazing..
Congrats on the feature! I agree that your house looks lovely!
xxx MODEmoiselle
penasaran ama denah rumahnya di, luas bangunan berapa kok keliatannya luas.
luas tanah brp?
I just finished read the article, you are so stunning, Kak Di! (as always) :D
Rumahmu lucu banget, represent karakter kakak banget.
Ngomongin soal domain, aku juga baru ngeh kalau link blog kakak masih pake "blogspot", padahal aku nemu banyak fashion blogger yang mulau beralih ke dot com. Aku salut sama alasan kakak untuk nggak ganti ke dot com.
Sebenarnya pertama kali aku stumbling ke blog kakak karena curhatan pribadimu, bukan karena fashion. Walaupun aku bukan yg fashion interest banget, but I lovee the way you dress up.Keep rockin, Kak Di. Take care for all of your little family members! <3
Amazing house, i'd like to design my room like you had to do with your house. this is so inspirng me Diana :)
Wow rumahnya homey banget, full color, umm just beauty like you kak, salam kenal
Dear Diana ,
My name is Amrit, and I stumbled across your blog as I was searching for indonesian Fashion blogs. You seem very stylish and up to date with your fashion sense.
I was wondering if we could set up a meeting and discuss a possibility to work together. I have a project that requires talented individuals such as yourself.
Please let me know if you are interested, and we can have further discussions just to give you an idea of what is it we want to achieve.
contact me at : amritmvp@gmail.com
Dear Anaz,
My name is Amrit, and I stumbled across your blog as I was searching for indonesian Fashion blogs. You seem very stylish and up to date with your fashion sense.
I was wondering if we could set up a meeting and discuss a possibility to work together. I have a project that requires talented individuals such as yourself.
Please let me know if you are interested, and we can have further discussions just to give you an idea of what is it we want to achieve.
Best Regards.
Amrit Punjabi
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