Buying (original) CDs.
Back in high school & college, I used to spend a lot on fact, collecting CDs was my hobby! Not only did I buy because of the artists or songs, I enjoyed buying CDs because of their appealing cover favorite back then was System of a Down's album cover which was transparent with the CD written "Steal This Album!" on it..brilliant!

I guess that hobby sort of faded as I got introduced to sites that offered free (illegal) music downloads.. easy, fast, free. I got overwhelmed by how much music I can freely enjoy, and how much music I can explore from the tip of my finger. All this for..6 years?
I don't know what took me so long, but I've finally decided to get back to my old hobby and appreciate better the idea of "originality" as a whole. So even when I download songs, I should only do such from proper sites that require us to pay for every song we download. Buuuuuut, I guess buying CDs would still be much more fun. There's a different feeling when we own an original feels like I'm having a chat with the artist....:)
Anyway, committing to what I just wrote above, I finally bought a CD after ages...yayyyy! :)
Be original and appreciate originality, peeps! :)
so glad you wrote this post ! my dad has always encouraged me to buy real CDs.. like u, he also collects jazz music cds from everywhere.. :)
he always asked me that I wouldn't want people stealing my own works right? like if i wrote an essay, then i wouldnt want some other student to use it . im glad that someone in d youth gap brought this up :)
Terakhir saya beli cd dan sekaligus mendapatkan cd adalah 6bln lalu. Tepat dihari ultah sya,sya diberi kado cd Frau dan skaligus saya jg mmbeli paket cd terbaru Mocca. Have you ever listen to them? Especially Frau? If u have'nt, well then you should. She's a very talented singer from my city, Yogyakarta. Altough it almost look like Regina Spektor.. ;)
SiA MaKeUp aND OutFiT iT'S sO iNdiVidUAL, aNd StyLisH LiKe yOu deaR..
Hehe, mengalami hal yg sama. Download bener2 "hancurin" hobi beli CD aku. Aku terakhir beli CD Mika. He's cool :) Btw, sekarang kayanya aku bakal milih CD lg deh daripada download. CD harganya sekarang jauuuh banget lebih murah daripada jaman aku SMP :)
nb: love your blog as always. Please visit my blog sometime :)
Totally agree with you. Yes I've downloaded before, but I always buying the original cd's of whatever I download afterwards. Because I can imagine how bad it feels, when you have worked hard for something, then someone just taking it without even saying thank you. & of course the quality of original cd is better than pirate copy or from the net.
Much xx,
Arnold Teja
I love SIA too! This album so briliant!!
I love Sia! and i Love you, too! :)
sangat jarang sekarang orang membeli kaset/dvd/vcd original..tapi lebih baik mengurangi praktik ilegal bajakan mulai dari diri kita
you look good with bang. the hairstyle reminds me of Sonia Eryka. love!
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