2) I finally found a wallet I really really really like. Pink, hearts, initials. Perfect...:)

3) I finally met my lovely girls...meeting them definitely recharged my energy...:')
4) I finally got the chance to take a proper picture of Keenan this time...and by proper, I mean proper clothes and setting...too bad he didn't smile in any of the shots...huh!

aww love your new bangs and wallet kak :)
AWh .. so weird.
1. Not almost 30 minutes ago, I visited your blog and the newest entry was still The Buying (original) CDs. I thought it would be the last entry for today, then I went to some online stores to search the dress for about 30 minutes, then going back to here before I want to go off with no any expectation of your new entry .. and TADAA! XD
2. I found many khaki-beige--coloured dresses in those separate online stores n it makes me want to go buy some tomorrow. And for second weirdness, I saw you wearing khaki dress here! XD .. wew, I think it's a signal for me to go to bed soon, so this weirdness wont continue LOL
Goodnite Diana ^^ .. n yeah who dares to dislike khaki colour huh? :D LOL
xx all-dogs-should-go-to-heaven.blogspot.com xx
Wow. Love the wallet kak (: what type of camera do u use kak? Thanks (:
the clutch is amazing :)
here frm msia : your blog cute! :)
Great pictures
Your bangs look great, they really suit you!
gimme your cute wallet please ^^
cantik banget kaa diii :)
Your hair looks really cute! I think it matches you well and your style ;)
Nice bangs! You look pretty and younger on it :)
you look great with the new bangs. I think you look better with bangs :)
and I really like your black dress that u wear before the last photo. where did u buy that?
whoa, I thought you cut your hair. to be honest, you look better with the bob-hair, cuter and looks younger :D
you're so pretty kak :D
Wow! You look pretty with the new bangs, srsly! ♥
love your new bangs
your wallet so gorgeous! visit mine :)
I love your long hair! You totally fooled me all this time, I thought you were having short hair all along :)
Kelupaan soal rambut :p :p
Yep. Setuju sama uthie. :D
Di photo no#4 sm #6, bob hair bikin lo jadi keliatan cute kyk anak2 Di XDD (in a positive way)
Tp rambut panjang di no#10 oke juga, terkesan kyk rocker-chick ^^\m/
You always look awesome D :)
kak di! cantik banget!! :D
numpang koment
foto yg pertama dan tampak candid itu cantik, natural :)
ka diana, aku suka rambut panjangnya :) selama ini aku fikir ka diana berambut pendek... lucu deh :)
kak diana. you look like katty perry !
you are hotter with the bangs ;)
i wonder what 'TB' stands for ( '__' ) anyone?
diana can you tutor me how to keep my hair up and looks like a bob cut, like yours?
keren banget blognya sis,,, kayak apa ya rasanya punya blog sekeren ini... bantu saya donk sis...
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