- I like the number 23. In fact, it’s my favorite number of all, not to mention Michael Jordan’s.
- The age of 23 has been my most defining period in which many decisions were made pertaining to my future. I am grateful for everything that has happened, and I shall have no regrets and take in all the hardships went through as a life-learning process that will make me become a better, and happier person in the future.
- I love my family, I really do. My relationship with them has been somewhat bumpy, and I promise myself to improve on that.
- I love you, Sharjeel, Intan and Dina. You guys are eternally valuable in my life.

Welcome 24. Yayy!!
Happy birthday from almost-41!
happy birthday!!! :D
happy birthday!!!!!!!
hye diana.. its me una from nottingham uni :) happ birthday! may God bless u insyaAllah :) have a great day tomorrow !
Happy b day diana.... hope all u'r wishes came true..
you and sharjeel are soooooo cute together!!
Hello :)
Happy 24 in advance! I turn 24 on 29 dec, a day after you.
sweetest diana, its been a pleasure knowing you. Happy sweet 24 babe!
happpy early (?) birthday!!!!!!!! i hope it's been a good year!
mba Di, bday before christmas? me after christmas, heheh.. btw, sepatunya aku kirim sekalian bday gift ya mba, :)
happy birthday to you. may you always be this happy, this stylish, and this cheerful for many years to come :-))
happy birthday mba diana..hihi
happy birthday! all the blessings for you.. now we're officially have the same age =)
is it your birthday? oww wow happy birthday diana!
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, all!!! :)
Unazully: heeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy how are u? miss ya so!!
im fine here :) already in year 1 :D miss you a lot too !!
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