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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tidy Up!

Breathing a bit, taking time to not think of work, stay at home, and...tidy up? Tidying up is probably the most therapeutic thing for me hehehe, and so I did.

Our reading area:

 photo eeee_zpsatsbjm1f.jpg

Our bedroom:

 photo eeeee_zpsacanpxrm.jpg  photo ee_zpsokhukqds.jpg  photo eee_zpstuxjwp31.jpg

For bedding, we always always always go with plain white sheets. It feels very clean and comfortable you feel like lying down the whole time hahah. This one's from Goodnight, our favorite, because the fabric is thick enough yet extremely soft to the skin..:)

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soido said...

suka semuanya, kerenn ...

Baselo said...

So colorful!!

Baselo said...

So colorfull!

nonaolin said...

It seems so cozy.. Thank you for sharing dear Diana. By the way, what kind of wood the bed is? Would you like to tell me where did you buy it? Thank you so much.

domi-backpack said...

simple and elegant

yess.. kamarnya simple and elegant

Jo said...

awwww! this is so beautiful! love the simplicity~~ <3

dWi said...

jadi pengen ikutan leyeh2 kalo ngeliat beginian mah ^^

Anonymous said...

So simple and comfortable!!

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Adeayu Hadijah said...

love every corner of your home kak ♥

visit My Little Cream Button ♥ Instagram ♥ Bloglovin ♥

thai tea said...

Mbak, ini Sprei dan Bed Cover bahan Hotel yah? beli dimana mbaakk? aku nyari2 kog gak ketemu ya..

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