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Saturday, February 8, 2014

(My) Home Tour: Bidi Bidi Bong Bong!

My baby was asleep so decided to take pictures of our house heheh..enjoy my mini home tour! :)

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A cup of my story said...

Aww, very inspiring. Full of color and pattern! Love it sooo much! <3

The Jane's Journal said...

Kak Di rumahnya unik banget :) rumah dengan desain unik yang pernah aku liat! :D

Unknown said...

Cute stairs!

Unknown said...

Kak Dii.. rmhmu sungguh lucuu.
bisa jd inspirasi rmh keluarga mudaa :))
Thx for sharing..

KEJU-BASI said...

hiaaaaa lucu banget rumahnya Kak Di. Warna-warni & cozy. Berasa bukan rumah di Indonesia xD

sketches of me said...

sukaaaaaaaakkkk banget sama dekornya. kak apa sih artinya bidibidibongbong? maksudnya itu apa? please jawab. kepppo to the max nih. thanks :))

nyazz said...

Yeayyy im first!!
Its so colourful, cute, artistiC. So inspirated me! Please inform us whr did u buy all of those fancy stuffs..

And i just wondering whr is the guest room? Ur baby's room? Hwaaa pls more photos! Hail the queen diana ^^

Szasadiandra said...

Kak dii rumahnya a beautiful mess inspired bgt hihihi. Sukaaaa

Oktafianti said...

Inspring homiii, so cute and colorful :D

Karina Dinda R. said...

Bagus banget rumahnya kak Di :) Alhamdulillah. Aku paling suka tangganya.

Karina Dinda R. ♥

Oktafianti said...
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Yulia Rahmawati said...

Super fresh. Your bidi bidi bong bong made me really can't wait to have my own house kak di :)

fransiscaayu said...

what a adorable house!! so colorful and cheerful <3

Anonymous said...

Lovee your lamp shade in the kitchen which resembles the famous china bowl with the rooster print.

Deena said...

Loove the lamp shade in your kitchen which resembles the famous china bowl with the rooster print!

Dinda Naya said...

What a lovely house for a lovely family! Such an inspiration kalau minimalis tidak harus warna netral aja :)

Much love,
Dinda Nayaredhanty

Dinda Puspitasari said...

Kak I'm in love with your house!

Ade Kurnianingrum Handika Putri said...

ya ampun kak rumahnya ....jadi pengen punya rumah kayak gini :D

This is real and This is me

Natasha said...

I love it! It's so colourful and cute, but very sophisticated at the same time.

Innnayah said...

Habis ini banyak diliput majalah sama acara TV nih..

Anonymous said...

wowwwww keren kok bisa yaa hahaha creatif bgt! a simple house but decornyaa bikin kyk rmh apaa gt...india turki gt y patternny...:)

Jual Papan Skor said...

keren banget... berkelas desain nya

Kia F. said...

So this is what a dream house looks like. Love the pattern, the colors, the ... errr penempatan perabotannya kak *tiba-tiba amnesia English*

Ine Elsa Putri said...

wow, amazing..
so colorful as always, I love it..
sukaa banget sama desainnya kak di, apalagi dapur sama tangganya, hehe

NADYAZZZ said...

mau dooongggg main ke rumahnya kak diana... mau foto2 hahaha. aku suka sama motif tangganya. itu cita2 aku kalo udah kebeli rumah lantainya mau dipakein ubin jawa kaya gituuu :D

Swastati Dipta said...

Rumahnya lucu banget sih kak interiornya, kaya rumah-rumah di luar negeri. Lucuuu sukaaaa

Anonymous said...

love your house! some parts remind me of Frida Kahlo's style, whom i also love & adore. thanks for sharing the pics! :)

mornings said...

love some art canvas there!

Anonymous said...

I believe sharjeel has the same taste as you since it's the house of you both. Or he doesn't have much to say and leave all the decorating stuff for you to handle?

Mary Andrikus said...

Aaaa suka banget, sooo colorful :D

Shinta Silvia Devi said...


Arman said...

wow bagus banget rumahnya... :)

siti masyitah said...

kereeeennn pake bangettt kaa rumahnnya

salsa said...

oh my god... so colorful! you've really earned it and the house is so... diana's. congratulation and anyway, how did you find most of the "unusual" pattern on your properties?

Leila Sword said...

Aaaaaa suka banget ka sama rumahnya XD So colorful which is good not boring! And btw it would be great if you check out my blog Ka :D heheh
Pleasee I beg you :)

Michelle Yeremi Saharsan said...

Aku tunggu kamar mandinya.. kmrnya.. dll yg blm dimskin kak di :)

Arman said...

btw, love the stairs! reminded me of the stairs at Santa Barbara courthouse.

if you want to see, i have the pictures here:


Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Such an adorable house! Love everything about it! xx

Dita said...

lagi donk , kesan ceria diana rikasari banget :)

Anonymous said...

Love the concept you apply on your house! Duh, jadi jarang ngepost ya udah ada baby. Upload foto2 baby Shahmeer dong! :)

Adeline Kusuma said...

What a super duper pretty house! Very homey <3
I would never let my house get dusty and dirty if I could have all cute stuffs like that >.< <3

Fitri said...

it's soooo cool and girly, your husband is so awesome for letting you decorate the house that way hahaha

Rizuna Swon said...

kaak karpet gitu beli di mana??

mbemlovendut said...

Keren bangeeeeeeett. Sumpaaaaaahhh. Suka bangeet. Btw, meja makan dan meja di ruang TV beli atau bikin?kl beli, beli dmn?kl bikin, bikin dmn kak?

mbemlovendut said...

Kereeeeeeeeeeenn bangeeeeettt.sukaaaa bangeeeeeeettt.saya suka...saya suka...btw, meja makan dan meja di ruang TV beli atau bikin?kalau beli, beli dmn?kl bkin, bikin dmn kak?

Andi Saputra said...

Super cute house kak di! :))

Jane Reggievia said...

Omg Kak Diiiii, you have such a beautiful house! Itu gantungan lampu di dapur gmbr mangkok bakso yah? Hihi ayooo bikin video kalo sempet yah. God bless you little family ♥


What a cute home! So lovely..

Runi said...

What a fun house ka Di :D

Tiara said...

Super Cute Kaaak:3 <3

pengen banget punya rumah kayak gini:"
Full Color, Ceria banget kayak kak Diana:)

Unknown said...

It's so pretty. i love the stairsss <3.

Yonas Indrajaya said...

it's beautifull !

Anonymous said...

Well done, it's lovely. I especially like the stairs and the red ladder :)

Hanifah Sausan N said...

your house is very beautiful >,<
i'm dreaming to be an architect and i want to make gorgeous house like yours someday

Unknown said...

wow, this is such an amazing place! I'm so in the details, and patterns are perfectly matched :)

innaputri said...

somehow suka dengan penampakan kipas angin di ruangan. no ac kah? go green!

Anonymous said...

So unique! Designnya ngingetin sama tastenya kathryin ireland yg full of pattern! Love it kak dee

rita triwibawati said...

How lucky you are....happy for you...

Diah Purnamasari said...

waaa! colorfull
ditambah lukisan diela maharani juga :O

Diah Purnamasari said...

waa, so colorfull
ditambah lukisan karya Diela Maharani pula :O

deden decor said...

cakep interiornya menambah inpirasi positip kebetulan saya mau mendecor rumah ,tax

Anonymous said...

salam mbak diana,
rumahnya lucu sekali, matching dengan gaya busana dan kepribadian mbak di sepertinya

nabilla sari hidayat said...

house of happineseee

Maxine said...

Yr house is so cheerful, diana. :)

nenghepi said...

Rumahnya cantik banget, kak :D
Ngiri XD

Erika Anindita said...

Kak Di, rumahnya pakai tegel kunci ya? Tangganya keren!

Santhy Nurhayanty said...

awesome awesome ur house :) LOve it..Is that Diela Maharani prints ? Woow... really match with the element of interior..

Jessica Paramartha said...

OMG your home is so cute, playful, and quirky just like you! >,<
by the way love the idea of the rooster bowl as your lamp.

xoxo, Jessica

tor (fabfrocks) said...

Wow, your stair case is amazing! I love your house - so gorgeous! x

Anonymous said...

rumahnya...woooow so colorfull.
cerminan si nyonya rumah, sukaaa :)

echaimutenan said...


iyan said...

wih, keren banget rumahnya, full color. :))))

The Fierce Berry said...

you're freakingly talented. period.

Tymo said...

This house really reflect you :'))

Catra Samoedo said...

ECLECTIC!!! Nuansa maroko yang eksotis banget neik!

Room tour dong.. pasti lucu juga deh

indra nursyamsi said...

wow its home design is very interesting, I love

Aisyah Amiru said...

Gorgeous! awesome! colorful! i love the designs and the color pallete :)

Aisyah Amiru said...

Gorgeous! awesome! colorful! i love the designs and the color pallete :)

Yuni said... cute and so fresh! Love how you put all the colours and patterns so well together. Love loove...

Opi said...

Ini kereeen! Postingan yang udah ditunggu-tunggu banget!

Mei めい said...

omg so pretty and unique! I want a house like that! <3

undangan nawala said...

desain rumahnya bagus banget kak, pasti akan lebih membuat nuasa lebih elegan dan menambah suasana natural lau dikasih produk vas atau guci dari kasongan kak

Anonymous said...

So colorful. Very editorial

Unknown said...

You have such a beutiful house.
I like every single pieces that you put in each of room *__*

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana,
can you let me know where did you get the dining table?
It's gorgeous.

Nadhyra's said...

what an awesome house! :o

yuni said...

lumayan keren

Sarah Rizqi said...

Aaaaaaa ur house is like such a dream house, kak Di! Looooooooooooooove it so much <3

noer said...

colour full, menarik banget kak. ;-)

Ame said...

Keren begete mbak rumahnya, design sendiri atau sama orang lain?

sweet hanan said...


bang rawing said...

pasti akan terlihat lebih nyaman jiga punya rumah seperti itu, he

bang rawing said...

pasti akan terlihat lebih nyaman jiga punya rumah seperti itu, he

andhinis said...

duh di, ngiri banget liatnya. btw itu lukisan sengaja ya ga digantung?

maulanaadr said...
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EMA ERVITA said...

basic bangunannya rustic sekali, tapi ornamen dekornya retro yaa kak, hihi.

terinspirasi dari mana kak Di desain rumahnya?

EMA ERVITA said...

basic bangunannya rustic sekali, tapi ornamen dekornya retro yaa kak, hihi.

terinspirasi dari mana kak Di desain rumahnya?

dheya anggita said...

lovely home ;)

maya said...

your home is very you. love the personal touches!

Sandi Ardyansah said...

Hi Di... bagus deh rumahnya.. bole tau beli karpetnya dimana? :)

Eva Surono S said...

suka banget sama model tangganya. terlihat fresh.. sukaaaa :*

Rini Rahmawati said...

Kak Diii, coba rumahnya dibikin hostel gt.. pasti banyak yang mau nginep disana. aku juga mauuu banget kak hihihi

Unknown said...

Suka bgt sma rmhnya ka, terinspirasi bgt aku.

Cipto Junaedy said... cute and so fresh! Love how you put all the colours and patterns so well together. Love loove...

Wina said...

Saya suka dengan dekorasi rumahnya.

sahabat untuk masalah interior dan eksterior anda said...

Dekorasinya sangat baik sekali

Deden said...


Deden said...

Menjadi inspirasi baik tentang interior

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