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Sunday, November 3, 2013

King of Kings

Hello, everyone...we would like to happily share with you all that I am Alhamdulillah 30 weeks pregnant already! It's been an amazing journey so far and we've been keeping it low, buuuuuuut I felt that such happy news should eventually be shared. I've been having mixed feelings... happy, nervous, scared, but all in all, utterly utterly grateful. I would like to thank all of you guys who have been sending me support and prayers regarding me wanting to have a baby soon, and Alhamdulillah Allah heard all of your prayers, including mine and S's. Thank you very much and...stay tuned for an S&D junior! :)

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mbengmellow said...

Oh my! I've been wanting to ask about this since your post quite some time ago... Kept staring at pictures back and forth to make sure but didn't have the guts to ask in comment section :D so happy that it really is true :D Good luck and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :))

Filicia said...

Congratulation kak Di and husband!!! all the best for your future baby and little family. <3

Fitz said...

OMG CONGRATS!!!!! so happy for you!!! :) can"t wait for you to style your baby :p

Imas Hapsari said...

congrats kak diana :)

Tara said...

Congratulation Diana & Sharjeel . Both of you 'll be happy couple with superbbbb cute kid . I can't wait to see your prince Sharjeel's junior or princess Diana's junior :)

siti masyitah said...

OMG... Selamat Mba Diana.. Semoga sehat2 terus ibu dan bayi-nya.... Ameen..

Veren Lee said...

Congratulationss kak Dianaa & Sharjeel! Hope everything' smooth and you have a safe pregnancy & delivery too.. All the best for u, ur hubby, and little s&d!! ;D

Vania Aprilia said...

congrats kak Di! I wish you guys all the best things <3

Pudding Monster

Diana Rikasari said...

Thank you sooooo much, everyone! Really really appreciate it..muah! :)

Angel said...

Oh my goodness, congrats to you both!

Aul Howler's Blog said...

Congrats Princess Diana!!!
can't wait to see S&D junior!

Dinda Naya said...

congratulationsss kak diana :) hopefully he or she will be an awesome baby :)

Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Oh I'm so happy for you kak Di! Congrats! xx

Mrs. Aa said...

whoaaaa... congrats
glad to hear that news

visit mine whenever you had a chance :D

stay fab,
Miss Aa

fettyasihta said...

Alhamdulillah.. Congratulations kak Diana and Sharjeel! Soooo happy for you both! Be healthy, for you and your baby. All the best~ :*

fettyasihta said...

Alhamdulillah.. Congratulations kak Diana and Sharjeel! Soooo happy for you both! Be healthy, for you and your baby. All the best~ :*

INA said...

Oh God! Congratulation, Kak Di&hubby!
I haven't noticed it before that you're pregnant!
I hope you and the baby will always in a good condition, Aamiin Yaa Rabb o:)
You're gonna be the coolest mom ever hihihi

Love, your loyal reader xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It must be so hard to not scream the happy news out loud from the moment you found out :) I blogged about my (i thought was) difficult journey to pregnancy if you're interested in reading :) I wish you a safe and smooth pregnancy and delivery.

Gian Aryanti said...

Congrats Kak Diana...
I'm so happy to hear this :)
Hope you and the baby are always healthy ya :)

ephy scarf said...

tuh kan....
emailku belum di jawab...
dijawab disini....

selamat berbahagia kakak.....

Fazri said...

Congrats sister... The birth of ur baby should be one of the most memorable.

Raden Ayu/MI said...

Alhamdullilah, selamat ya <3

Tara Filliana said...

waaaa, I'm happy you're finally pregnant

sending prayers to you and the baby

Anonymous said...

kak di, soooo happy for youuu
jaga ksehatan kak, semoga lancar sampe lahiran :)

ghitaathalina said...

congratulationsss kak Diana, semoga kak Dia dan kandungannya sehat selalu ^^
Amin :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congratzzz kak di and Husband... all the best for you and your babies.
if you looking furniture baby, you can contact me :)
check our collection in

Something Real Serious said...

:) i pray for your health and the baby ka :)


Anonymous said...

selamat yah Die.. sehat2 selalu untuk kamu dan si buah hati.. love.

Lenggang Kangkung said...


TheUrbanWife said...

oh my.. Congratz dear..
i'm tottaly envy..
still hard working to get pregnancy too :D
Semoga Lancar sampai hari kelahiran dan diberikan baby sehat tanpa suatu kekurangan pun..aamiinn *semoga hamilnya nular ke akuu jga.. big aammiinn

JANIS A. said...


Wardah said...

Huwaaa... Baru tahu kalo hamil, dan ternyata sudah 30 minggu? That's why you look so chubby in iLook and Sarah Sechan Show! S&D Junior must be the hot topic on your blog soon, hehe

Intrinsically Florrie said...

Aww that's so very exciting!! Congratulations :)

Florrie x

darchocoffee said...

selamat kak di, lancar terus yah sampe lahirannya! :)


intan said...

Whattt kak di? kok bisa ga keliatan di post2 sebelumnyaa...hmmm setelah diperhatikan krn bajuny loosee yaa hhe...congratz ya! smoga sehat ibu dan bayi...

Christy .. said...

can't wait to see your baby, dear!

Unknown said...

Aww congratulations! I'm soo happy for you both! I really haven't noticed that before, and I have been scanning your previous posts to look for any hints LOL ><

I'm sure the baby's gonna have the mom's positiveness and the daddy's kindness :)

Unknown said...

Super yay! Congratulations!
I had been scanning throughout your previous pictures to find any hints LOL ><

I'm sure the baby gonna have the mom's positiveness and the daddy's kindness!

Erika Anindita said...

Selamat kak Di! Semoga dilimpahi kesehatan selama kehamilan dan lancar sampai hari persalinan :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, kak Diana! I'm so happy for you both! May God bless you and the baby <3

Anonymous said...

whoaaa congraaats ka diana! so happy for you!! all the best for three of you ya :)

dheya anggita said...

congrats kak Di! God bless you and your baby :))

εïзmmyHazaεïз said...

Congrate.. take care ya..♡

Bimakuru said...

selamat, semoga lancar.. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy.. Always love to hear this kind of news..

I'm not your blog follower, but occasionally visit your blog. Wordpress&blogspot are not get along pretty well, so.. yeah..

Anyway, hope everything would be okay, healthy and runs smoothly for you and the baby until delivery time..

Congrats for you and your husband!

Adeline Yang said...

omg congratulations! so happy for you kak di :) God always hear our prayers and grant our wishes in the most un-expectable way or time. congrats once again!! xx

she's bella said...

Congrats for u both sweet couple.. haa cant wait for ur cute baby comeeee..

Unknown said...

kak di,, mengejutkan sekali kabarnya,,semoga lancar sampai dengan persalinan :)

caca said...

Kak Di, please banget sering-sering post style-nya Kak Di disaat hamil yaa! biar bisa jadi inspirasi buat aku dan buat bumil lainnya :) thx a lot and congrats :))

Benakribo said...

waaaaaa dianaaa sudah besaaarrrr!!!! :))
mau dikasi nama siapaaaa?? hohhooho

Elshakrist said...

woww, congratulations kak di & kak sharjeel! May Allah bless your family :)

The Mad Shopper's Dressing Room

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Kusuma Dewi said...

Waaah so happy to hear this news.. Im 25 weeks pregnant and loyal reader of your blog. :) congratulation!!!! Wish u and baby healthy until birthday!

Mustika said...

selamaaaaaaaaat kakaaak! >.< ikut seneng! hihhi waiting your next post with your baby yo! pasti anaknya nanti didandanin terus :D

Adithya Asprilla said...


Ms Blanc Apron said...

Congratulations!! Such a lovely news. We're trying to get pregnant as well - Hopefully next is our turn! Amin. xx

Yesaya Ferdinand said...

OMG CONGRATS KAK DII! I've been reading your blog since junior high school! and now I'm on my first year of college! It's exciting to see you've grown to be a great woman with such a gentleman husband. I'm truly happy for you kak di;)

Anggi Agistia said...

Aaaaaa, congratulations kak Di! Happy for you :)

Unknown said...

Diana, selamat ya..... semoga lancar sampe lahiran. Waktu interview di Sarah Sechan Nettv udah hamil ya? penasaran sih pas liat perutnya tp pas liat di blog kok perutnya gak keliatan ndut..... hehehehe

Ellen said...

Congrats and big hug for u, Di! I'm happy for u :) May u have a happy & healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery :)

Unknown said...

sepertinya sabtu kemarin kita sempet senam hamil barengan. gak ngeh awalnya, karena bener bener gak tau kalo diana lagi hamil juga...

sehat selalu..

Unknown said...

That's amazing, Diana!
I feel really happy for you! Best wishes for this new life, lots of healthy!

Karina Dinda R. said...

Congratulation kak Di :) Semoga sehat selalu ya.

Karina Dinda R. ♥

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