Ever since I started my shoe business, I kinda stopped shopping for (other) shoes because I just tend to wear my own shoes for the sake of testing the comfort & durability on a daily basis, and it does give me this self-satisfaction & joy of wearing our own creations even if they might not be as awesome as designer stuff (yet) heheheh. But anyway, my point was, ever since that happened, I grew a new huge love for bags. I used to own around 2-3 bags only which I wear everyday over and over again, but now I'm addicted to collecting bags and love saving up so I can buy myself a new bag every now and then hehehe. This is my small collection so far...I love bags now! :)
aa suka banget fossil yang hitam bawah.. :3
Koleksinya kece badai ._.
amazing sis !
cool bags!
I love your bags too!!
Your bags are cute, unique and no like other ;)
Hello Diana,
Kalau boleh tau, yang ditengah2 tas kotak besar kayak dipenuhi rumput itu tas apa sih? catch my eyes on the very first time you post it on your blog.. Yang hijau besar..
please please please let me know ya.. Terima kasiih..
@ ladymongrel : yang warna hijau dengan tekstur rumput itu dari Kate Spade hihih....:)
Ditunggu garage salenya..... LOH HAHAHA.
Ditunggu garage salenya..... LOH HAHAHA.
Thank youu..!
So sorry, i can't afford any kate spade bag..:D hehe..
Let me know if you put it on a garage sale yah... hahaa.. love you!
ah, adorable collection! I always longing for bag, and being well organized like yours, kak di ;)
The Mad Shopper's Dressing Room
Join my giveaway here
Kasut nya comel yaa :)
kak di, tas yang seperti pot bunga merk apa ya&beli dimana?:) info nya dong kak, thankyou:)
Adorable and inspirational blog^^
visit my blog FaraFernandez.blogspot.com thanks
insipirational blog! visit my blog and give comment for me please http://farafernandez.blogspot.com/ thanks^^
Adorable and inspirational blog^^
visit my blog FaraFernandez.blogspot.com thanks
suka banget sama blog kamu.. warna warni.. dan koleksi tasnya lucu lucu..
Indonesian Premium Handbag
suka banget sama blog kamu.. warna warni.. dan koleksi tasnya lucu lucu..
Indonesian Premium Handbag
Hai Kak Di,
Boleh tahu dimana beli bag organizer nya? Bagus deh.. Thanks a lot and selamat atas kelahiran bayinya :)
Waiting for garage sale diiii.:D
koleksinya semua bagus banget sist
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