Became a one-day fashion stylist this morning hahah..basically I did a fashion makeover for a girl, for a new magazine that will launch this April! Woohoooo! :)

MDS shirt, unbranded vest & bow tie, Forever 21 skirt, Topshop tights, Zara shoes
S: "Is your fashion makeover thingy going on today?"
Me: "Yup!"
S: "Have you prepared? Got the ideas already?"
Me: I guess so..."
S: "Do you need my styling tips?"
Btw, do download my new wallpaper design for Up here...muah! :)
Kyaaa congratulation Kak Di;D
Jadi penasaraaan nih,hihii
your dress looks really pretty...thanks for the cool wallpaper :)
Absolutely love this outfit!
woo... new template :D
congrats kak Di ^^
soo cute~
btw, a makeover for girl? please makeover me :))
waw nice mix kak :)
mantepp,.. salam knal ajj
i loooveeee the yellow things around you! makes you so cheer-y :D
haha! S can be a stylist too! :P
your husband is hilarious!
wanna see your makeover soon. goodluck :D
btw. your dialog with S make mw smile. hahahha :)
This is such a fun outfit! X
waaaa cute wallpaper =D
udah lama gak buka blog kak Di nihh...tampilannya tambah keren,trus design up yang baru kerennn :D sukses terus yahh! GBU
udah lama gak buka blog kak Di nihh...tampilannya tambah keren,trus design up yang baru kerennn :D sukses terus yahh! GBU
great! i love your all outfits <3
aaaaw super cute! I just love everything here :D
kak di, blog nya jadi makin keren deh!! like this :)
woo... new template :D
congrats kak Di ^^
cute design kakkkk :D
you always have inspiring style :D
love these colours!
xx, Sabinna and David
Broken Cookies
kadiiiiii kenapa headernya diganti :"(
wow,.. soo cute, I like your dress..
mantap... desainnya first kunjungan nih... salam kenal
Revolusi Galau
The cutest outfittt<33333333
Really really love your top and your skirt! It's sooooo cute, you know? Absolutely love this outfit so much 3>
kak dianaaa, ak lagi baca blognya kk dr awal saaaaampe akhir. ni smpe pertengahan ini skrg kyknya :D. suer, skrg kk jd lebih kurus, parah :(
Lucu banget wallpapernya sis...:)
Congrats kak Di :) I love the new Up wallpaper ^^
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Karina Dinda R. ♥
so cool and nice kak :D
i love your cute vest and skirt! and oh, cant wait for the new magazine.. so curious :D
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