I had sooooooo much fun during today's photoshoot for Aneka magazine together with the coolest chick, Cindy of Only I...so happy! And my gratitude to Dina for inviting us both...yay! :)
Below are some pictures from & after the photoshoot...we also played around taking pictures with my Up shoes hahaha...they're such pleasant girls to hang around with...:)
dipotong ya kak rambutnya? :)
u didn't cut ur hair, right ?
Wow the shoes!
How could you possibly walk in those shoes?
Btw, I love your blog though :)
u didn't cut ur hair, right ?
whoa i LOVE your shoes!
dear kak diana, saya masih mupeng wif your D&A shoes *iler ngeces*
pokoknya, you always look so awesome deh kak! envy wif youuu :D
aku suka aku sukaaaaa :) lucu2 deh sepatunyaaa :D
awwww love the earthly look :D
congrats for being featured!!
PS: I still can't imagine walking in the D&A shoes hahahaha
dan bahkan dipake berjinjit! salut!
you have a very beautiful legs :)
kak dianaaaaa, kakak ga jatuh ya pake sepatu itu? kan belakangnya ngambaaaang :(
your legs!!
it's like you are wearing 'enggrang' Die.. ^^, it's indeed one of a kind shoes.. :), ohyah Die, i featured you again in my writing. chekidott!.. he..
yang top mampir warung kita jga ding... biar ikutan topssslesss... heheheh
waow you cut your hair short! lovely pose and photos!
Great photos
Those shoes are a dream!
beli aah majalahnya <3 hehe
your new hair cut is awesome makes you look like a model. seriously. hehehehhe.
photoshootnya seruuuuu yaaaa kayaknya, suka bgt sama kaki kamu Diana , kecil dan panjang, sepatunyaaaaaaaaaaaa juga keren bgt !!!
Your new hair cut is awesome, really suit to your face and makes you look like a model in that photo shoot :)
Photo shoots sure is fun and exciting! I just loved being prepped! I love all the outfits!
you look so cute Di! love it..^^
hai D!
i really really want to know how u can walk with those shoe!!
u said it is quite comfortable ....
really ??
Hello there,
what the fashionista are you? coo.. nice blog too.. =D
I really love that all nude/beige color look!
Lovely blog!
love your shoes
rambut nya kak Diana keren hehehe
the fact that you have those shoes is awesome!
Vi from Cali
u look so cute !!!! love it !!!
keren nih blog sepatu lukis
hey, your shoes are awesome!
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