photo space_zpsab443ffb.png photo ootd_zpsvmcsbmod.jpg photo youtube_zpsl7hdozar.jpg photo 88_zpsqoko5stl.jpg photo midnight_zpsssf1cubd.jpg photo home_zpsh9wc5ewz.jpg

Monday, September 13, 2010

Flower Flower On The Wall

Freshen up freshen up! It's time for a new spirit! :)


Wall stickers bought from Ace Hardware...:)

PS: Spent time with my favorite girl, Intan, today....sooooooo you, sister!! :)


Tiq said...

Nice,thinking of make over my wall too.

jacobian said...

so you just put the stickers instead? nicely done. :-)

Legolas said...

owww, love it! bringing alil spring into your room when autumn is coming :)

Amira Adrena said...

preeeettty (:

veda said...

the way you organize the stickers just so you... lovely ^^

vincute said...

beautiful .....

Ladinia DalinTasya said...

beautiful, so girly ;)


kiky_rose said...

love it...nice...

Esther Angela said...

like the new one:)

Anonymous said...

wow ~
that's very nice :))
i'm planning to do it too ~
my room would be nice as yours <3

Fadilla Ungaro Acsa said...


but i think,kurang full colour klu mau dijadiin background photo .

ur photos usually is full of colur .hhe


Diana Rikasari said...

thank you, everyone!! :)

Anonymous said...

just discovered your blog and i looove it! you've got a bold, quirky fun fashion sense. i like the old wall though. not that i don't like the flowers, it seems like you but you're outfits are colorful enough :)

widyarahma said...

kak belinya di ace mana? I bought the same product but different patterns :)

Linda R said...

Diana, search for 'Life Store Indonesia' Shop in facebook group .. they have many interesting wall stickers too! :DD

Gb ur day! :D

Diana Rikasari said...

Widyarahma: di CIBUBUR bwehehheehe....;p

Linda R: oh yayyy thank you so much! :)

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