The...guess what? My 2nd collection for Bloop Endorse! Hihih... (do wait for the official launch next week ;p)

Finally, the fashion shows...there were 6 shows in total, but I only had the chance to see 2 of them...below is the one from Angela Jessica Hadi which I reeeaaallllly liked...:)

Good night, all!! :)
And oh...bought these Drole Project jewelries at the bazaar heheh...yay! :)

I also have that hand print from vahada! but, mine is asymmetric white top. I also wear it today! :D
Visit my blog: http://beatrixhapsari.blogspot.com/
what a cool event! great post!
Githa looks soo stunningg!!! I miss her! :(
wow it sounds aweosme, i wish they held them here xxx
too bad i missed to show =/
it's exciting if i could meet you, heidy, and nina, of course =D
it was really FUN! see you on next fashion event Dianaaa :D
i wish i could attend it.. huhhuu
what a cool event..
This event should be held more often so that we can see more of a young designers, right?
Nice to meet you there diana.. You were so kind and humble.. ;))
Come and visit
That looks like so much fun to attend.. you're so lucky! Look at all of those rings and those funky shaped purses (?).
great event!! too bad that I can't come..you look great with that jumpsuit :)..
I'm so Happy that you always look so different among your fashion blogger friends Die, though they use the same colors as you.. You have yer own statement style Die, which is randomness.. Hehe, like u wore the sweater thing in the brightspot with \m/.HEAR IT so.. ^^, xoxo
nyeseeeeeeeeeeeeel ga dateng! hiksss.... :(
love the vahada jumpsuit! nice findings at the brightspot. =))
too bad i didn't come to the event! looks like you had so much fun there.
can't wait for your new collections to be launched.
the event looks fun.
I wished I live in Indonesia hihi
lov d jumpsuit..
nyesel ga dtg gr2 maw blajar uan.hhhaa
hey di ive been wondering for a longgg time how did ur pictures turn out so bright and cheery!
I could never do that with my digicam..Is there a certain setting tht u use? enlighten me pls..
thanksss : )
fun event I think! I hope I was there! and I can't wait for your 2nd bloop collection official launch!
acaranya hanya 1 hari atau gimana?
klo masih ada saya pengen datannggg
ok thx
lovely outfit!You look great in that jumpsuit :)
kaaaaaa, angela jessica hadi itu tmnkuuu. ihiy!! senangnyaaa. =)
I looooooooove your handprint jumpsuit! and I love the way you mix it with black :D
can't wait your 2nd colloections!!!
visit mine??
is this opened for public? where is it? I love those rings that are exhibited >:(
the pic with the shoes .. do they have on9 shop? what brand is that? i cant realyy see .. but the shoes r indeed very coooll! wanna get one too :(
keren foto-fotonya salam kenal ....
great dan fun event.
wow...semuanya...cantik-cantik banget.
visit my blog http://deekkyy.blogspot.com
mupeng lihat stand-stand jualannya :P
Too bad I can't go there.
Anyway, congrats for your new launch on "Geometric" label in BloopEndorse, Diana. Can't wait!
WHy NoT..
MayBe i caN WeaR sOMe LiKe tHaT..
LiPS PRiNt iN My TSHiRt wOuLd bE NiCe?
iNSPiRiNg Me a LoT jeuuNg DiaNA..
tHx U deaR..
Mau numpang iklan kalo boleh :)
Teman2, dari seksi fund raising Panitia Pelantikan Lulusan Dokter FKUI mau ngadain garage sale, tanggal 10 April 2010.
rencananya mau diadakan di daerah pasar minggu.
maka daripada itu kami memohon partisipasi dari teman2 sekalian.
bagi smuanya yang mau jual baju (baru ataupun second yang masih layak pakai), sepatu, tas, aksesoris, komik, barang elektronik, buku
kedokteran, dll, diharapkan untuk dikumpulkan ke Nilam '04
(0812819344456) atau Vira '04 (0816955511) sebelum tanggal 26 Maret
barang2 yang akan dikumpulkan, mohon disertai dengan harga yang sesuai dan masuk akal.
perlu diketahui bahwa barang2 yang dikumpulkan akan disortir terlebh
dahulu oleh panitia sebelom dijual.
Pembagian keuntungan bisa dinego kok.
terima kasih
Ditta Adelia
(Ketua sie. Fund Raising PLD UI Internasional 2011)
thanks Diana,
i can't wait for ur 2nd collection :)
seems like a really cool event :))
i have attend to that event, too.
n i like ur hand print,
I love stopping by your blog to see both jakarta and fashion through your eyes!
Thank you, all!! and sorry for the late reply :) this was a 1-day event :)
beatrix hapsari: aahhh..i wish i had that one too :)
selly octavia: you were so sweet and nice yourself! kapan2 ketemuan lagi yah! :)
Lidwina Grata: yep! till we meet again! :)
hanny arianty gultom: ah masa' siiiih? hihih..makasi ya dear <3
Wina: cari tempat yang cahayanya bagus aja...trus ntar diterangin dikit di Photoshop...atur brightness-nya :)
wow! that jumpsuit is... wow. its so cool!
Hi, I'm Koe
I just wanna ask where can I buy studded bag like in ur pic?
Or u sell those bags?
Cuz I want it so much
Please gimme info if u know the shop/place
Thanks a bunch ^_^
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