Levi's jacket, N.y.L.a top, unbranded skirt & tattoo tights, Up wedges
Btw, I really apologize for not replying to any of your comments on my blog...to make it up to you guys, I'll do a dedicated Q&A post so I can make sure that I answer all your questions....do leave your questions on this post's comment box and I'll compile as many questions as possible to answer soon...yay! :)
kak you're so cute hihi ;)
Dare to dream its a must.keren banget ka di
naksir banget sama tights nyaaa
Whom you would really like to meet when you go to UK or place you would like to visit there (shoe shop which gives 50% off for docmart?hehe... :) thanks
Ooh, question time! Okay, if you were opening your own clothing store, what brands would you stock, and how would you decorate it?
you often wear unusual style in your post and it was make me thinking, how do you get the ideas for your super unique mix and match? And how is about your daily looks? Thank you kak Di.. You are so inspiring us and make me confident with all of my 'freak' style anyway. Hehe
funy stocking and glasses, kak :)
wow at that tights!
you are cute ka di
Assalamu’alaikum Kak Diana,
Saya sudah baca blog Kak Diana sejak tahun 2009, dan tiap baca blog kak Diana, saya selalu terinspirasi dengan hal-hal yang kakak lakukan.
Buat saya, kak Diana bukan sekedar fashion blogger, dan saya sangat respek dengan prinsip-prinsip hidup kak Diana (like I know, hehe, I mean I see them from what you write). Salah satu yang saya sangat respek adalah prinsip kak Diana dalam ber-fashion yang “don’t reveal too much skin”.
Hanya, akhir-akhir ini saya lihat bawahan kak Diana makin lama makin mini, meski ya masih pakai stocking.. Saya tidak sepenuhnya yakin dengan pendapat saya, karena toh yang punya prinsip juga kak Diana.. All I wanna do is just to remind you, kak Diana punya power untuk motivate orang, dan menggerakkan orang ke arah yang lebih baik, termasuk dalam berpakaian. Dan bukan berarti yang lebih panjang itu lebih baik (meski demikian yg termaktub dalam kitab suci kita, dan I’m not here to preach you), it’s your principle that I adore..
I still love you, with all your good writings and inspirations - and because I love you, I write this..
Thanks for reading this – and please send my regards to Sharjeel, I believe he is the loveliest husband I ever seen :)
Q&A time? wow...i have a lot question to ask :)
waktu S2, bagaimana cara belajarnya?menyeimbangkan antara your social life and education?
I think you have so many fashion stuff so how do you store and care for it? and how is your daily looks?
Halo ka, mau tanya dong..itu tights nya beli dmn? I love it! Basically, i love your style. :)
If i can ask u something..my question is...
Style kaka itu terinspirasi mana ya? Makasih ka diana:) mohon dijawab ya 2 pertanyaan ku itu:)
I just wondered if you could name your kids, what would it be?
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Could you do another vlog soon? :D
I always wonder, do you really go out wearing funky things like that every single day?
How do you manage your shopping desire? I mean, as I see on your blog, in the new post you (mostly) wear a new stuff. Hehe..
mau nanya sejak kaoan sih blog kak di jadi terkenal? trus apakah fashion bloggers cuma sekedar side job atau pekerjaan utama ? thanks kak di :)
i love ur tight ka!!!!
Ka Diana, will you open the real store of UP Shoes? *wink*
psst, more giveaway please on your blog hehe ;)
Saya sangat menyukai blog Kak Diana, saya selalu terinspirasi dengan artikel kakak. thank Kak
Kak dianaaa!!! Lovely tights and glassesss!!! ADORABLEEE <333
very pretty tights! where did you buy it?
i have questions for you, if you dont mind me asking :)
-how do you get all the money to buy such clothes and another fashion stuffs?
-how do you manage to still look cool or don't care while people are staring on you from top to bottom because of unique outfits you are wearing?
-what you do to the gifts (from online shops or brand) that you don't like / you know you will never wear?
-do your husband ever criticize about the way you dress up? and if yes, do you follow his advice or not?
-do you ever feel like you're too old to wear something?
Kak Diana, apakah Kakak ada niatan untuk berhijab?
Btw, sesekali kakak posting pake hijab dong hehe. Waiting ur answer ;)
For me,perempuan paling berpengaruh di indonesia tentang fashion saat ini adalah diana rikasari dan dian pelangi .
Bagaimana mnurut kk dengan desain dian pelangi yg kreatif dan full colour?
Apakah bagi kk, dian pelangi termasuk daftar orang yg menginspirasi indonesia bahkan dunia?
Apakah kk ada niatan untuk berkolaborasi dengan dian pelangi? Dian Pelangi for UP?
Mohon jawabannya ya kk .very curious .hhe
Graciaaaaas :*
just curious, will you wear the hijab soon? you look pretty in the eid pic you posted :)
thanks for answering
Hueee...lucu banget stockingnya...mirip gaya fashion di Harajuku Jepang ya...
I love the cats on the tights so much!
How do you know your passion?
Aku masih kelas 11 nih, bentar lagi kelas 12, terus kuliah deh.. Sampai kelas 11 ini, aku masih bingung mau masuk jurusan apa, gatau passion aku sendiri.. :( aku orang nya ngelakuin apa apa sesuai mood dan aku cepet bosenan, jadi biasa nya cepet ganti-ganti.. Aku mikir, kalo kayak gitu mah gimana mau tau passion ku apa yah~ :(
Have a nice day, kak D! :)
tatoo tights nya kereen,, :)
Hi I love all your UP collection, and I've just gotten my galaxy wedge. Should have worn it with socks the first time, but blisters do heal eventually.
Just one question, what is your shoe size?
kak di...i wanna ask a question :)
how do you take care of all your shoes collection...curious to know..hihihi
and how do you make a bright photos although you taken it indoor :)
really wanna know how do you make those outfit photos. Good exposure, clear, great colours!
If it photoshops..please make a tutorial! yay!
Thanks kak di :)
Q&A! Love it! Hehehe.. So here's my question: You've been dating S for years before you finally got married. How did you survive that loooong period of time (especially in long distance relationship)? How did you two really make it work?
Sorry if it's too personal, but I'm so happy (and amaze) by your relationship with S :D
Oh I forgot about this, it's not actually a question but could you please share how did you make yourself still creative and still "yourself" eventho the environment sometimes bring you down? Like things that motivates you in your deepest blue.
Thank you, kak Di. :D
aku sempet baca beberapa pertanyaan buat kak Dee. salah satunya ada yang mengatakan bagaimana kalau kak Dee kolaborasi sama Dian Pelangi. aku setuju tuh! :D gimana menurut kak Dee? hehee
Would you mind to show ALL your fashion stuffs?
If not, could you tell how many? (doesn't mean exact number)
hai kak Diana ^^
so, i have problems with confidence. i have such a very, very low self-confidence. i tend to pull myself back & just hide away. i just don't have the guts to show myself. Do you have any advice how to build up self-confidence? :-)
thank you~
so beautiful as usual, kak Di :)
berhubung ada Q&A.
mau tanya, pernah nggak kak Di ngerasa mati gaya, bingung pake baju apa gitu? terus gimana ngatasinya?
Kak di, dari dulu aku pengen tauuuu banget ttg sejarah pencipataan (yeah) UP SHOES. Bisa gak kak ceritain ke kita2, mulai dari ide, pemilihan bahan, desain, pengrajin sepatunya? :))
thnakyou so much kaaak :)))
Yaayy Q&A timeee
Gimana keluarga kakak dan keluarga S klo ngeliat kak D berpakaian unik gitu? Apa mereka mendukung aja atau pernah kurang setuju sama mix and match yg kak D lakuin?
Kak D setiap ke mall apa pasti belanja?
Pernah ga kak S protes klo kak D belanja terlalu banyak?
honestly i don't know what to ask, but how do you react to people who look at you weirdly in malls when you dressed up? some people saw me strangely from top to bottom and it was just annoying ):
anyways love the denim jacket and tights, cuteness! <3
Letters To Juliet
I have one question I'm dying to know kaaak! x)
Everytime I read your blog or tweets, you always seem like a very positive person. You always keep calm and stay cool when facing problems, without complaining about them. I know you must have something called a "bad day" as well, am I right? But how do you overcome your bad day and stay positive instead of feeling regretful? :)
Thanks in advance! Jcmay
I'm in love with your Wedges...^^
Hello Di, can I ask some questions? What're the rules in playing with motives and colors? Like, when you're wearing motives blouse with motives shawl etc.
Thank you. :)
aww love the shoes! and cool jacket!
and since that's Levi's, you can join the Levi's photo competition here at www.whatsyourlook.co.id :)
I love your tights so much! Aku pgn banget sepatunya kak Di, nabung dulu ;D
Karina Dinda R. ♥
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