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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trashion & The Art Market

I am soooooooo happy to have finally attended the famous art market, Pasar Seni ITB, in Bandung, and I was lucky enough to be invited to the press conference of Trashion Design Contest 2010, which happens to take place in this year's said art market as well....yay! :)

Here's a bit of review from today...all pictures courtesy of S hihih...thanks, love! :)

1. Trashion Design Contest 2010
Trashion stands for 'trash fashion', which is an initiative carried out by Unilever to manage better their used plastic sales packaging, encompassing the idea of environmentalism and innovation. Instead of becoming poor-managed waste, Trashion invites home industries to recycle, recondition and convert used packagings to become wearable, everyday goods.

This year, Trashion is reaching out to the youth in hopes to increase the younger generation's awareness and stimulate the kind of creativity that contributes to the act of saving our environment. In Trashion Design Contest 2010, students were asked to design products made from multi-layers of used packagings, and products must be applicable for everyday use and possible to sell at an economical price.

The winner: a guitar bag by Dimas Tri Anggodo (STIKOM Interstudi student)... congrats! :D

I personally really support this campaign, because it really does help reduce waste. LOVE EARTH! :)

2. Pasar Seni ITB 2010
It was my first time attending this event, so I was overwhelmed by the extremely large venue and ample amount of sellers, artists and artisans. It was sooooooo crowded, but I actually enjoyed the feeling of it. There were so many paintings that S and I liked! And I met quite a few of my blog readers as girls are so sweet...thank you! :)

The only thing I deplore was this:

Come on, peeps! Throwing trash carelessly like this is really, really uncool & humiliating.

Nevertheless, I had a goooood day alhamdulillah...thank you, Pasar Seni ITB & Trashion! Good night..:)

PS: An interesting figure of my twitter account followers...8888! Thanks, dearest followers! :)


ehsan said...

saat liat foto-foto yang atas, aku seneng banget ternyata orang-orang kita kreatif.

tapi pas lihat dua foto terkhir...

oouuu.... nggak banget.

FLoRette said...

wanna go there also.
But there was family event, so I can't go there.
Is that true that "pasar seni ITB" is held one in 4 years? Hiks2

Paola said...

Hi! i really liked this post! we did something like this at the office before -- we made school bags out of our tarps and sold the others with a foundation as a beneficiary.

love your dress :)

Catherine Au Jong said...

Love it! I wish I was there
and what kind of phone do you use? It's a very nice app there!

Anonymous said...

i love the necklace, what was that made from?

Zoe said...

I've recently discovered your blog here, and wish I would have stumbled upon it much sooner! It's now and my

list, and I'll be back to read more very soon.

Federico Panarello said...

Really beautifull and funny pics!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

aaaaah envy banget sama ka diana ... pingin ke pasar seni itb kemariiiiin

Anonymous said...

yayy i love "pasar seni" event also,,veryverymuch!!
@florette: yes,it's's even held once in every 5 or 6 years :)

Stevia said...

Pengen datang
tapi ga bisa

thank you for sharing!
I love your polka top :)


dee said...

wah.. kok bisa sama yah sama project Tugas akhir kuliah gue taun 2008 kmrn. dari konsep, nama, sampe taglinenya sama semua dgn ini. cuma secara visualnya memang beda. kebetulan gue lulusan DKV dan waktu itu campaignnya ngambil ttg upcycling sampah ke benda yg punya nilai fashion.

Anonymous said...

dee, you are not the only one in this planet who comes up with that trashion idea. mannnnnn

Anonymous said...

Kak Dianaaaaa!!!! senang deh baca bloh kakak soalnya setiap post kakak suka mencatumkan fashion store nyaaa!!! hehehehe thanks kak!

Nurul said...

wuiiihhh...acaranya kok seru banget sih kayaknyaaaa....keren2

naftalia sarah said...

diana, kamu inget ga, nama stand yang ada d foto ke-7 dr atas itu??stand yg jual lampu dr pipa² besi itu??
kl inget, info y.. thank you,diana...(:

Diana Rikasari said...

thanks for all the comments, guys! :)

ehsan: yuppp...enggak banget ;(

Florette: that's what they say...:(

Paola: cool! good for you guys! keep it up please...:)

Catherine Au Jong : i use Blackberry Bold...:)

Anonymous : which necklace? :)

naftalia sarah: enggaaaakkk hix...maaf yah :(

nurjatlina said...

waaa,, i really Love it,,i wish i was there,,sempet di niatin ke sana tak jadi, gara2 muaceeeeeeeet. crowded jalanan. Foto2 nya keren,,bajunya bagus.

Love ur Pict and ur dress..
looks very nice there..:)

Foto terakhir2 ajah agak bikin ga sreg..

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