So I woke up in the morning cuz my mom was watching this show on
TVone and I heard some talks about ankle boots going on....errr....ankle boots? Wake up, Diana!!! :D Being both excited and half asleep, I quietly watched as the presenter discussed about how to clean your shoes etc, just until she showed some examples of how to wear your ankle boots by showing pictures of...MOI?? Pictures from MY BLOG? WTF?
so they show your pic there??
wooots thats so annoying :S
oh my gosh hahaha. btw, i think saw you yesterday at SenCy at the lobby, alone haha.
heyhoo kak dee .
wew , u're trully such an inspiration . i think u should get some royalty or something cuz that was trully piracy ! hehee
hope u can find the video on youtube or else, and post it! i wonder..
Wow! You're seriously famous now!tho' it must be not a feel-good famous..
do they credit you for using your pics? i mean like at least putting 'courtesy of' at the end of the show?
i thought tvone is a highly credible tv station.. hmm... who knows they would do such thing.
Wah, berarti org2 tvone jg sering buka blog k'Di tuh...
Pasti rasanya campur aduk antara bangga, kesal, juga gak rela!!! Hehe...
you dont get enough credit.. they should at least let u know and ask your permission first right. sigh.
they shouldnt use ur pix w/o ur permission, rite?
LOL~ That's Indonesia for u... I mean, they're not even clever enough to use ppl from other country!!
hmmm....menurutku mbak di mesti bangga...coz mba Di tu emang cucok jadi panutan dunia fashion...(menurutku lho! ^^)
baru aja aku liat2 blog mbak Di mulai dari awal lum ada respon n lama2 banyak comment yang masuk...hmmmm brati perjuangannya mulai dari nol ya buat jadi trendsetter...menurutku lagi tuh patut dibanggakan!!!chayo mbak Di!!!!
REALLY? well i went to skool this morning so i dunno, but that's effin annoying! did they ask for permission? isn't it clear enough that people's blog pictures is THEIR PROPERTY?
mxdny gmn de?mrk ambil pic dr blogmu??
reallyyyyyy? gambar apaan dii?
Did they mention your blog or your name at least? Or was it pure theft?
And, more importantly, what did your mum say???
oops, that must be so annoying for you sist.. showed your pictures without your permission.. :(
if the person she showed on telly was me... that would be so cool and I would be so proud, even though I know that I would feel just as disappointed as you, because they basically stole your pictures..
but good luck with any future action (if any!) that you might take to fight for your right!! =)
hahahaha. that must have been a weirdddd moment there.
which pic Di? :D
eh Ka Di skrg pake comment moderation ya? :D
jadi pop art yg lucu-lucu itu buatan ka diana ya??
itu munculin foto di tv one , pake izin dlu ?
ya Ampun
hilang deh ngantuk, melek pasti yah diii
btw, pics yg mna yg di tampilin??
wah mpe masuk tv? hebat dong :D. hehehe. btw, i saw you today @ NINE WEST PIM ;). haha mo nyapa tapi nggak enak. hihihi..
Diana, i like you and your style very much.. Gw pembaca setia blog lo.. Salut buat lo karna lo selalu bisa nampilin sesuatu jadi fresh dengan ide2 brilian dan kreatif lo dan gak cuma ngomong doank.... makanya banyak orang2 suka sama kamu, termasuk aku. Sukses terus ya diana..
think positive kaa :) you're on tv noww ihiiy jadi artis kak hehehe.
which one?
which one of your picture ?
thanks, all...really appreciate your thoughts :)
sisterhood: yeah...they actually did....
satisfied: really? lol... *shy*
azti: Piracy INDEED...btw thank you :)
Fanny Trijayanti: lol...i don't think so hehehe...but thanks :D
cny92: nope! totally weird...
J.Yo: they didn't! and yes, felt so annoying...thanks dear :)
candyfeetish: iya...sebagai contoh cara mix and match ankle boots gituuu...
putri erdisa: iya...mulai sangat mengganggu kalo orang2 comment pake kata2 kasar dan tidak relevan...jadi pake filter sekarang :)
Reeza: oh ya? hehehhe...maluuu....:D
anonymous: oh wow...thank you sooooo much :)
u should be proud,but no credits at all?!
they should ask ur permissions to good to be true
tuntut kak, tuntut...
Hi Diana,
Aku nontooooon lho! gw aja kaget pas liat, apalg elo udh mikir ini mah TVone udh pasti gak ijin deh. Dasar y!
Ps. Aku br update blognya, td lbh dulu nulis di wall fb kamu, sorry y ;)
gila, tvone, shame on you! kayanya mreka googling doang gitu ya "how to mix and match ankle boots" trus ditampilin aja gitu dan berharap orgnya ga akan liat! blahhhhh (dipikir punya bule kali hahaha)
what a funny story, with a twist i might add. haha. be proud diana. good job for you. :-)
There are a lot of laws which protects creative works. Use them now against Them!!!!!
hai kak diana, aku liat tuh acaranya di tvone, hebaaat,bisa jadi contohnya :D
Wah, ga nonton, jadi penasaran, hehe...
Tapi tetap semangat ya kak!
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