Your artworks are everywhere Diana, I have a lot of your work saved on my computer (hope you don't mind, if you do I'll delete it of course) , but I would never ever use it for my polyvore sets, my My Space account et cetera.
There are dozens of MySpacers using your artwork, don't remember the exact profiles though.
waduh, aku jadi mikir ada ga yah yg ngambek gambarnya aku pake di set polyvore.. hehe..
polyvore itu emang ngeclip item2 dari mana2 sih, jadi susah juga. tapi harusnya sih deviantart itu ga bisa. ada beberapa website semacam deviantart yg item2nya ga bisa dicomot polyvore. biasanya yg bisa itu emang website2 jualan, jadi kalopun itemnya diambil ya mreka itung2 ngiklan karna nantinya ada orang yg tertarik bisa ngeklik linknya, beli deh..
kalo baca komen orangnya sih dia hasil googling ya.. berarti ada orang sebelumnya yg nyomot dari deviantart kamu dan make duluan..
susah juga ya sih soal ginian, sekali kita post foto ke internet ya berarti merelakan tersebar dimana2.. iya paling watermark aja di..
oya ini kalo mau protes ke polyvore : (tapi sedikit ribet :P).
oya.. polyvore kamu apa?? mau add dong.. aku sama namanya.
You should be proud! Itu artinya orang2 suka ama artworks ka' Diana... =) Tapi seharusnya sih mereka ngasih credits gitu di gambarnya, kalo gambarnya diedit lagi ama mereka... Btw..aku udah beli Gogirl! spreadnya keren ka'...!! ^o^
that's because you're super cool! wktu itu aku juga pernah pake buat bg friendster, maaf ya. hehe. i was so surprised that you were the person behind all those fantabulous art.
indita: bukan kerjaan say...aku cuma kontribusi 6 halaman untuk fashion-nya...aku sendiri belom beli juga jadi gak tau ada di halaman berapa hehehe :)
hanny ariani gultom: iya, ada yg ngasi tau gue gitu hohoho...sebenernya ada watermark kok..apa gak ada ya? gue clumsy juga sih hehehhe
devishanty: this is your LONGEST comment di blog gue ahahaha...thanks yaa..:) gue gak punya account polyvore...gak terlalu suka maen itu hohoho...aneh ya? ;p
anonymous: really? VOLCOM? haiyaaa...thanks for the info :)
Key: yes i am...a freelance designer...thanks!! :)
sorry to hear that die,,, mndg kalo dia cntumin dr mna dpt tu artwork,,, tp ya gt dee kl mental copycat,,, tng die,minimal yg bc blog lo tw sp yg pnya artworknya,,
lo inspirasi bnyk cwe die,,, bnrn,,, gue slalu pnsrn pgn lyat blog lo tyap hri,,
eh,mw lyat dnk hasil yg di gogirl,, kmrn mw bli,tp blm nympe bali,,,:( posting di blog dnk die,,,
sabar aja kak itu kerjaan orang yang ga kreatif maunya ngambil karya orang pasti masih banyak karya kakak yg diambil deh ih aku aja pas liat jadi kesel juga hihihi...udah edit aja artworknya kak di fotonya ditulis apa kek gitu supaya orang yang ngambil juga ga bisa ngambil seenaknya...hahaha :D :D :D
wah kak diana emng heeebbaat! btw, background fs temenku sama artworknya kak diana yang ini.. ckckck.. oya, tmenku di facebook, juga foto bareng ma artwork kak diana yang di binale looh! cool!
Grrr! Art pirates!! Diana I have a number of print-outs of your work on my walls, which make me smile every day. It's so sad to see such a lack of respect for your work. Have you considered publishing a coffee table book or something similar of your work?! May be the only solution to people pinching it and ripping you off. [=] I'd order it for sure! Mwah! xox
wah ka Dee lagi rajin ngebalesin komen orang nih! hihi, jadi nyesel baru buka internet skrg jadi baru bisa komen kk. ;) wah, iya ka, temen2 aku juga banyak tuh yg majang gambar kk jadi background fsnya. tapi sebelumnya aku emang gatau itu karya kk, jadi ga negur mereka deh. hehe. ;p tapi setau aku sih, kbanyakan tuh mereka dapet dari website pembuat layout gitu. kayak friendster-layout, friendstercode, dll. hmmh... the all i need to say, sabar ya ka.. :D
yup! emang desainer selalu dìhadapkan sm mslh plagiat.tapi justru dr situlah dsgnr di tantang utk lebih kreatif dan inovatif.positifny,even kryny uda di copy tp kry trsbt teteup udah jd trademark sang dsgnr trsbt krn brainstorming yg berhasil hehe
is this si bridemonc yang ada di dA? geez shes such a noob. im not a big fan of plagiarist either.
tapi like everyone knows that you made the artworks. so you dont need to worry much sih i think. or start using watermarks! i know that they are ugly but what the hell.
but being plagiarized is kaya one of the resiko kalo when you make really good artworks and when you get really famous. gue udah sering banget browsing2 myspace profile layouts and found artworks dari another artists. even your artworks ada di waktu itu, as a so called itu tuh icon yang kotak2 yang biasa waktu itu sempet booming banget. tapi myspace layout, never seen it before.
some of the people in my friendster used your picture as their profile. before i was an artist myself, i used to use your artwork as my profile background, cz i simply didnt know anything about copyright, and i thought it was fine cz the people who see it will know that im not the one who made it. tapi sekarang ive bertobat setelah tau rasanya digituin. rasanya foto lo dijadiin profile pic di facebook, dijadiin profile background, dan rasanya pas ide lo dicolong terus dipajang dan hampir sama persis only slight differences dan dia claim kalo itu original. its so friggin annoying :(
well just try to look at the brightside :) if your artworks arent that good, they wouldnt "share" them :D
natasch: i dunno...but thanks yaaaa...i understand about people saying that if others use your work, it's actually a sign of people liking your work..oh but come on, that still sucks, right??? but again, thanks banget yaaaa...really really appreciate it :)
Do NOT upload photos of yourself unless you are okay with other people using those photos. All items on Polyvore are considered public, meaning anybody else is free to use them. If you're not comfortable with this, then please don't upload your private pictures in the first place.
Your artworks are everywhere Diana, I have a lot of your work saved on my computer (hope you don't mind, if you do I'll delete it of course) , but I would never ever use it for my polyvore sets, my My Space account et cetera.
There are dozens of MySpacers using your artwork, don't remember the exact profiles though.
You really must be creeped out.
is that so? sigh...i'm left speechless...i mean, what can i do after all? about you saving my artworks, that's totally fine...:)
i saw one of ur artwork been used by my sis friend as friendster layout..its kinda disapointing things..
u have great artwork.maybe they love it too much coz they can;t produced one.
smart people said, " plagiarism adalah penghargaan tertinggi"
Very nice artwork btw. :D
frustrating aight...
put a pattern for it..or, put a watermark, so that people will not claimed that it's his/her artwork..
dont forget to put a watermark on all your artwork...
sabar ya kak di, emang bagus sih. eh kak, mo nanya, yg dapet kerjaan di GoGirl! itu jd apa sih? aku beli GG! baru tapi ga nemu gitu yaa? hhe
ouuuchh.. how could you find it?? huh...!! Iya die, di bikin watermark aja.. trus ada tulisanya plagiarism is a crime.. heheheheheh... ^0^
waduh, aku jadi mikir ada ga yah yg ngambek gambarnya aku pake di set polyvore.. hehe..
polyvore itu emang ngeclip item2 dari mana2 sih, jadi susah juga. tapi harusnya sih deviantart itu ga bisa. ada beberapa website semacam deviantart yg item2nya ga bisa dicomot polyvore. biasanya yg bisa itu emang website2 jualan, jadi kalopun itemnya diambil ya mreka itung2 ngiklan karna nantinya ada orang yg tertarik bisa ngeklik linknya, beli deh..
kalo baca komen orangnya sih dia hasil googling ya.. berarti ada orang sebelumnya yg nyomot dari deviantart kamu dan make duluan..
susah juga ya sih soal ginian, sekali kita post foto ke internet ya berarti merelakan tersebar dimana2.. iya paling watermark aja di..
oya ini kalo mau protes ke polyvore : (tapi sedikit ribet :P).
oya.. polyvore kamu apa?? mau add dong.. aku sama namanya.
aku pernah nemuin artwork kamu di belakang label volcom di mall bip bandung..kok bisa ya? hhehe..
tapi ya emang artwork kamu keren banget sihh :)
it's kinda frustrating but you should be really proud of yourself!
good job!
put watermark on your artwork,Diana..that's the only thing to prevent it from being stolen or used elsewhere.
i've also experienced the same thing and imo, proud + hurts at the same time..
OMG~ I'm not surprised, you are a blogger icon my dear.
are you a graphic desginer?
cuz I love your designs!!!
You should be proud! Itu artinya orang2 suka ama artworks ka' Diana... =)
Tapi seharusnya sih mereka ngasih credits gitu di gambarnya, kalo gambarnya diedit lagi ama mereka...
Btw..aku udah beli Gogirl! spreadnya keren ka'...!! ^o^
that's because you're super cool! wktu itu aku juga pernah pake buat bg friendster, maaf ya. hehe. i was so surprised that you were the person behind all those fantabulous art.
thank you all for the consolation...:)
indita: bukan kerjaan say...aku cuma kontribusi 6 halaman untuk fashion-nya...aku sendiri belom beli juga jadi gak tau ada di halaman berapa hehehe :)
hanny ariani gultom: iya, ada yg ngasi tau gue gitu hohoho...sebenernya ada watermark kok..apa gak ada ya? gue clumsy juga sih hehehhe
devishanty: this is your LONGEST comment di blog gue ahahaha...thanks yaa..:) gue gak punya account polyvore...gak terlalu suka maen itu hohoho...aneh ya? ;p
anonymous: really? VOLCOM? haiyaaa...thanks for the info :)
Key: yes i am...a freelance designer...thanks!! :)
ooo gtu yah die... huh dasar mereka...... masa punya nama besar gak malu.. mending ngasih royalti... heheheh. (ngamuk, red).. ^0^
yasulah, kalo menurut gw ini sudah kelewatan die.. hayo do something! hohohoho.. (ber-orasi, red)
iya polyvore kayaknya wasting time buat orang sesibuk n seaktif n seworkholic die.. hehehe.. (mulai sok tahu, red)
ms. hunzipheartcore
ya gitulah resiko kalo foto atau hasil karya ditampilin di dunia maya....
jadi maya deh siapa yang ambil karya kita...
iya kalo jadi bagus...
kalo jadi jelek....
alamak deh....
tapi emang karya kamu pantes kok dicopy cat sama orang...
btw dah liat hasil kerja keras km di googirl...
nggak mau dipamerin juga?
sorry to hear that die,,,
mndg kalo dia cntumin dr mna dpt tu artwork,,,
tp ya gt dee kl mental copycat,,,
tng die,minimal yg bc blog lo tw sp yg pnya artworknya,,
lo inspirasi bnyk cwe die,,,
gue slalu pnsrn pgn lyat blog lo tyap hri,,
eh,mw lyat dnk hasil yg di gogirl,,
kmrn mw bli,tp blm nympe bali,,,:(
posting di blog dnk die,,,
can't wait for ur next post,,,,^^
evelynpy: hehhe...ya gitu lah say, emang susah ya dunia maya ini...mau marah juga susah...gue belom beli nih go girl...bagus gak hasilnya? jujur yaaa hehhehe....
hilda:'re far too kind...thanks yaa...gue juga belom beli, nanti kalo udah gue pasti post kok...thanks banget yaaaa! muah :)
sabar aja kak itu kerjaan orang yang ga kreatif maunya ngambil karya orang pasti masih banyak karya kakak yg diambil deh ih aku aja pas liat jadi kesel juga hihihi...udah edit aja artworknya kak di fotonya ditulis apa kek gitu supaya orang yang ngambil juga ga bisa ngambil seenaknya...hahaha :D :D :D
wah kak diana emng heeebbaat!
btw, background fs temenku sama artworknya kak diana yang ini.. ckckck..
oya, tmenku di facebook, juga foto bareng ma artwork kak diana yang di binale looh! cool!
Grrr! Art pirates!!
Diana I have a number of print-outs of your work on my walls, which make me smile every day. It's so sad to see such a lack of respect for your work.
Have you considered publishing a coffee table book or something similar of your work?!
May be the only solution to people pinching it and ripping you off.
[=] I'd order it for sure!
wah kak dianaa sabar yaa emg keren sih design2nya kakak . makanya orang2 pada pake . gak ada sih yg bisa bikin sekeren kakak . hehehe . oya kak , yg kerjaan di gogirl itu , di gogirl yg februari kak ?
ecchandiary: waaaa...mau dong liat fotonya!!! hehehehehe ;p
Lee: a coffee table book? wow...that's an interesting idea...i hope i can make one some day! Thanks!!!! :)
Evira: tengkyu yaaaa.....iya, yang edisi bulan ini (Februari) :)
wah ka Dee lagi rajin ngebalesin komen orang nih! hihi, jadi nyesel baru buka internet skrg jadi baru bisa komen kk. ;)
wah, iya ka, temen2 aku juga banyak tuh yg majang gambar kk jadi background fsnya. tapi sebelumnya aku emang gatau itu karya kk, jadi ga negur mereka deh. hehe. ;p
tapi setau aku sih, kbanyakan tuh mereka dapet dari website pembuat layout gitu. kayak friendster-layout, friendstercode, dll.
hmmh... the all i need to say, sabar ya ka.. :D
oya ka Dee punya account facebook ga sih ? :D
Hahaha... They're just too stupid to make one.
So they just copy your.
dianaa. gw add fb lo. hehe. btw , lo dulu kuliah dmn sih ?
semangat mba Di!!Itu berarti disainnya mba Di oke dong,hehehe.
Cuman cara mrk aja yg salah dengan tdk meminta izin mba Di terlebih dahulu,hehehe
yup! emang desainer selalu dìhadapkan sm mslh plagiat.tapi justru dr situlah dsgnr di tantang utk lebih kreatif dan inovatif.positifny,even
kryny uda di copy tp kry trsbt teteup udah jd trademark sang dsgnr trsbt krn brainstorming yg berhasil hehe
kakk. ada kerjaan apa di gogirl? ngelayout? :D
nih linknya :
nama temnku Ladynathz Poetri. hehe
Natassya Monica: di UI say :)
Putri Erdisa: Ada kok :)
echhandiary; jadi kontributor fashion stylist...thanks ya buat link fotonya! :D
walah anak ui. Ngambil apa? pantes kreativ bgt.
Natassya Monica: ngambil teknik industri say :)
maybe u should take it as a compliment, daripada pusing2... heheheh.
is this si bridemonc yang ada di dA? geez shes such a noob. im not a big fan of plagiarist either.
tapi like everyone knows that you made the artworks. so you dont need to worry much sih i think. or start using watermarks! i know that they are ugly but what the hell.
but being plagiarized is kaya one of the resiko kalo when you make really good artworks and when you get really famous. gue udah sering banget browsing2 myspace profile layouts and found artworks dari another artists. even your artworks ada di waktu itu, as a so called itu tuh icon yang kotak2 yang biasa waktu itu sempet booming banget. tapi myspace layout, never seen it before.
some of the people in my friendster used your picture as their profile. before i was an artist myself, i used to use your artwork as my profile background, cz i simply didnt know anything about copyright, and i thought it was fine cz the people who see it will know that im not the one who made it. tapi sekarang ive bertobat setelah tau rasanya digituin. rasanya foto lo dijadiin profile pic di facebook, dijadiin profile background, dan rasanya pas ide lo dicolong terus dipajang dan hampir sama persis only slight differences dan dia claim kalo itu original. its so friggin annoying :(
well just try to look at the brightside :) if your artworks arent that good, they wouldnt "share" them :D
maaf ya komennya panjang bangeet
natasch: i dunno...but thanks yaaaa...i understand about people saying that if others use your work, it's actually a sign of people liking your work..oh but come on, that still sucks, right??? but again, thanks banget yaaaa...really really appreciate it :)
its written in polvore's blog
Do NOT upload photos of yourself unless you are okay with other people using those photos. All items on Polyvore are considered public, meaning anybody else is free to use them. If you're not comfortable with this, then please don't upload your private pictures in the first place.
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