And dear Sharjeel,
"I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
- "When Harry Met Sally", Harry Burns -
that's a really beautiful quote :)
happy new year, di..
wish you all the best =D
love the quote! wish i had my bf beside me..
Diana, rika, atau sari? Diana aja deh ya. aduaduadu ka gw suka banget sama sepatu lo yg di pake di New year eve lo itu ka. itu beli online ebay ya? itu namanya sepatu apa ka. gw mau beli cowonya. sepatu itu seperti sepatu Chuck Bass di GossipGirl di episode terakhir season 1
bales ya ka
happy new year tooo!!!!looks like u havin fun..mee too..u're so sweet to ur bf hopefully u guys will be happily ever after!
luthfibass: itu sepatu beli di Giordano Concept, Grand Indonesia...buruan sebelum abis soalnya limited edition :)
happy new year darling diana =)
oh ya, i met with sharjeel and afiq on tuesday to pick up the shoe. i know, it took me forever =P the boys and my bf were exchanging costume party and lounge locations. i was completely blur. hehehe
its looks like you were haveing alot of fun there!
btw i <3 your shoes!
Aw, so cute!
love the quote Di! :D
hey anyway thanks for linked me.. smoochy smoochy muah muaahh!! x)
happy new year anyway! :D
woww..soo sweet<3 that's really a Great Quotes..:D LOVE is a moment that lasts forever:)*xoxo*
outfit ka Di lucu bangettt..... T.T
superumi: lol....i hope you like the shoes...and happy new year for you!! Muahhhhhhhhhhh <3
happy new year!:)
wow....happy new year tapi sayang itu kok fotonya banyak yang ngeblur
sepatunya udah abis dari beberapa hari yang lalu..u're so lucky having that shoes..huuhuu..
love your style, and the quote.. ;)
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