I'm so desperate for printed leggings I just had to stick these star stickers I bought onto my purple legging hehehhe....

Stupid idea I know....but looks pretty good, right? Riigghhtt??? hehehe....

Some stickers fell off while walking, but some managed to stay...next time I'll just try to buy stickers that have stronger adhesiveness...yay!
You are actually a genius, it really does look great! Nice idea, shame that some of them feel off though
So cute!
I've linked your blog to my blog so I can keep up with your posting.
eheheeh. this made me laugh! but it's a great idea diana.
fashionsqueah: lol....i actually think i'm weird heheh...but thanks!! :D
glowing doll: thank youu...and thanks for the link..:)
lloyda: whhyyyyyy? is it funnyyyyyyy?? hhehhehe.....:D
That's such a fun way to wear leggings! What about sewing something on, something that's similar to these stickers? Love the look.
why did you accessorize a purple legging with a star sticker? a purple legging is the ugliest thing in the universe already and as it isn't hideous enough you add some cheap glittery 80's camp star sticker???? I lost words!!!
OOOOOH !!!! So cute !!! I know it's stupid but it was my first reaction when I saw your outfit. I love the little star, and the legging, and the legging WITH the stars and the tee.. I love your outfit !
i think it looks fab!
dasar eloo hahhaha
Why not use spray paint instead? It will stay on your leggings permanently :D
aku juga punya kaos ituu diana;)
wow, the leggings with the starsticker is so cute. great idea.
WONDERFUL! LOVELY! AMAZING IDEA. it's stupid, but genius. i have no idea what i'm saying. :)
Ooooh they look amazing!
i have that shirt too! just found your blog. and loveeee it!
cool ! kereeen..:)
what a cute idea!!
Great shoes! I've linked to your site!
were did you get your top from its LUSHHH!
the top was a free goodie from Go Girl! Magazine :)
cool :)
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