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Diana Rikasari is an award-winning blogger, fashion entrepreneur, and book author. Shy, often a wallflower, but a hyperactive shy wallflower.

She shares a high interest towards entrepreneurship, branding, marketing & market research. She loves paying attention to advertisements, marketing campaigns, the way people sell. A business girl, she thinks she is. And a marketing geek.

On another note, Diana is definitely passionate about fashion. Not necessarily a fashionista, however, just someone who appreciates art and sees art within clothes, shoes, bags and accessories. She breaks boundaries when dressing up, clashing anything she feels like clashing. Because clashing is her way of challenging the obvious. And she loves that.

Being active in the blogosphere since 2007, Diana has won several blog awards and become public speaker in various seminars and workshops. In 2011 and 2012, this blog ranked #1 in, being the most visited blog in Indonesia across all blog categories. With these achievements, Diana has been appointed to become Brand Ambassador of various local and international brands, ranging from fashion to beauty to telecommunication products, as featured in various local and international media.

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Moving forward, Diana is a prominent player in the retail industry through her sustainable fashion brand, IWEARUP. Through her business, Diana has been acknowledged as one of Indonesia's 100 Most Influential Youth, Women, Netizen (YWN) by The Marketeers & Markplus Inc., Inspiring Women of The Year by Wardah Cosmetics, and also won the International Young Creative Entrepreneur (IYCE) Award by British Council and named as Best Small & Medium-Sized Enterprise Star by Perempuan Bintang Awards 2018. Diana also launched a clothing line called SCHMILEY MO which showcased in Jakarta Fashion Week, Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, Torino Fashion Week and Dubai, however ended in 2019 due to personal reasons. Today, Diana is active in the upcycling fashion scene, having launched numerous upcycling capsule collections under her own household name "DIANA RIKASARI" with collaborations with Urban Outfitters, Gorman, Outsiders Division, Lazy Oaf, Ragyard, etc.

Diana Rikasari was officially registered as the youngest to make it into the prestigious 50 Tokoh FTUI list by Universitas Indonesia for her significant contribution in the Arts and Culture sector in Indonesia. As for her regional milestone, Diana won the award for Top Fashion Influencer by Influence Asia in 2016.

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With her never-ending passion for creating, Diana is also popularly known as the author of the #1 mega-bestselling book trilogy in two countries (Indonesia & Malaysia) titled #88LOVELIFE which consists of her daily thoughts on love and life. These books won both "Best Book of 2015" and "Best Book of 2016" Award for the Non-Fiction category from MPH Malaysia.

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Extending her adventure as a book author, Diana recently published a series of children books titled My Rainbow Days.

For her role and achievements in the industry, Diana has had the honour to share about her story on TEDx Lausanne and currently has her wax figurine made and displayed in the St. Gallen Cultural Museum in Switzerland.

More on her CV here and her talkative side on Youtube.


Putu Feby Larasati said...

such a great woman. my role model :)

success for you kak Di :)

Putu Feby Larasati said...

such a great woman. my role model :)

success for you kak Di :)

Aul Howler's Blog said...



Unknown said...

Hey I just wanted to say I love your blog and I have nominated you for a Liebster Award !

freddy said...

very interesting blogger, i want to meet her

musdeoranje said...

blognya bagus, semoga sukses mbak

Unknown said...

Halo, Diana. Nama saya Dane Anwar dari rubrik Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Harian Kompas. Saya ingin mewawancara Anda perihal menjadi seorang penulis buku populer. Apakah Anda punya waktu untuk ngobrol-ngobrol hari Senin (29/12) atau Selasa (30/12) ini? Atau lebih baik via telepon?
Mohon verifikasinya melalui e-mail saya di atau ke nomor 0812 9615 0780.


kyrakara said...
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Anonymous said...

i think you have a great sense of color... :)

Janiarto Paradise said...

i think you have a great sense of color... so attractive.. :)

Excellentera said...

Wow..greeting and really eye catching look at this blog, various and seriously bu funny and cute!

Exnim said...

Interesting bio, and great blog!!

Anonymous said...

Saya mengagumi mba Diana, bukan cara berpakaiannya, tp keberanian dan kepercayaan dirinya untuk menunjukkan dirinya melalui cara berpakaian yg unik, berpikir positif, mengungkapkan pendapatnya, menjadi dirinya sendiri.Dan ini menularkannya ke orang banyak, termasuk saya.. :) GBU mba Diana

Anonymous said...

Hay, Mba Diana. Aku Dwi Indra, mahasiswi Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi. Aku ingin mewawancarai Mba Diana sebagai narasumber dan syarat melengkapi tugas skripsi ku mengenai blogger ( dalam hal ini fashion blogger). Kira-kira apakah Mba Diana berkenan untuk dijadikan narasumber (diwawancarai) ? Mohon verifikasinya ke alamat e-mail ku .

Terima Kasih,
Dwi Indra

Kaila said...

You are a real inspiration! : )

Unknown said...

Hi Diana,
I am following you for quite sometime. I am Sameer from a Singapore based company called Bubble Motions but I'm based out of Jakarta.
I would like to invite you to our esteemed Social Media platform called bubbly that is followed by 40 Million plus users and is available for both Feature phones users as well as smart phone users. You can download Bubbly App for free (Appstore or Google Play or Dial 52000 from your mobile.
We also always say : Keep Blogging ....:)))

trsveloista said...

Nice to know you..keep move on.

*~ Just Sharing Islam ~* said...

Interesting :) May God guide you to His Love and Mercy, Diana Rikasari :) Ameen.

Mr. F said...

nice blog.. you're a wonderful woman. How old are you?

Unknown said...

hi Diana Rika Sari, beautiful blog. i wondering if you open for workshop how to make a great layout like urs. secara sy baru belajar menulis blog, duuhh pingin banget tau cara bikinnya..hoho..thankyou said...

Really blogging inspiration...

Arul said...


fajar siagian said...

are you fashion blogger
keren ya kalau fashion blogger

hasna said...

Keep inspiring, Kak D. I'm your reader since 2011 :D and I never get bored

VisitBandung said...

Selamat ya atas blognya. Anda termasuk dunia dinamakan sebagai 'ego blogger'. Uda ndak jaman lagi orang liat fashion di majalah, semua beralih ke 'personal style blog' seperti ini.

Ada cerita sukses yang awalnya krn dia pengen masuk catwalk di kota besar tp ndak diterima akhirnya menggunakan style baju sendiri yang awalnya murah. Akhirnya karena blognya ramai menggunakan top branded karena para top brand ini pengen melihat produk mereka dipakai sama orang biasa sehari-hari.



Rahmandasari said...

Dear Mba Diana

Perkenalkan saya rahma. boleh saya minta email anda?


Unknown said...

yes, you're my next idol and inspiration of life wohoo! thank you for 88lovelife you just made me realize the small things that matters in life :) and yeah i just knew you from that awesome possum book hehe keep writing please. i'm from malaysia and i really wish you notice this comment. xoxo

YanieThiorisa said...

You are one of kind.. keep inspiring... :D

johnsonb said...

Good girl.. Keep it up the good work.

Ali Sondakh said...

Hi Diana,

You act like Sophia Amoruso, you will becomes like her.
You are Asian version of Sophia, at least Indonesian version.

(for the ones who don't know about Sophia Amoruso, she is a young woman the founder and owner of Nasty Gal, CEO of a one hundred million dollar business that employees three-hundred and fifty people and trendsetter of fashion for girls and young women in USA)

I wish you luck

Anonymous said...

hi Diana....
glad to know you, new chapter of Indonesian women

Willova said...

Hi.. Kak Diana Rikasari..
Makasih kak sudah bikin buku yang asik.
ditunggun buku selanjutnya ya kak. Keep Inspiring :)

Anak kuliahan said...

Wow, where is this coming from?? Never imagine it before, that a blog ranked #1 is of such a young girl. Nice to know you, regard.

pemula said...

Wow this blog is #1

Liburan Singapura said...

Mba Diana, Saya suka sekali gaya fashion nya yang bright, collorfull dan energik. Mudah2an bisa konsisten dengan gayanya... Regards

Ronald said...

Wow Nice Blogger

Unknown said...

@Kak Diana Rika sari : Kakak sangat menginspirasi, semangat terus kak, blog nya bagus banget , mungkin boleh kasih tau kak gimana caranya bikin blog keren kayak gini. Terima kasih. semangat kak.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Pretty, and I think you has many talents ya mba:)

Anonymous said...

pretty, and I think you has many talents ya mba:)

Anonymous said...

pretty, and has many talents

Putri Maharani said...

Thankyou for being inspired kak!
Love your style and personality.

Putri |

Harianti said...

Saya suka blognya keren, no 1 di indonesiamatters

Paket Wisata Dieng said...

Beautiful Woman and smart girl. I like your work and your Blog Diana.

EDZ said...

Diana Rikasari is a great role model!

Paket Wisata Dieng said...

wah sangat menginspirasi kak :)

Albert said...

Hi Mba Diana,

You offered unique and a very different perspective of fashion and lifestyle, great job. I would like to reach out to you to endorse our mattress and bedding products, Zees offers the touch of minimalist style in every product type created. Have a look at our website or more complete completion on

Sutarjo Osman

boolean_corp said...

Perkenalkan saya hakiki.... Blogger baru hehe kenalan yuukkk di blog

Wisata Jakarta said...

cantik dan sangat menginspirasi. semangat kak! said...

queen of color

John said...

Sangat mengispirasi dan colorful!

Maria Kartika said...

You're my inspiration for blogging. :)

Shifu said...

Wah sangat menginpirasi Salam kenal kak dari Linimasa ade

buku mimpi said...

wow keren bgt

NerFX said...

Greetings Sis, I didn't think she was not Indonesian because of his English blog but I wrong that she is from Indonesia. First, I knew this blog because it was ranked 1 in Indonesia Matters together with blogs like Bang Raditya dika, Budi Rahardjo, etc.

Tirta said...

tetap hebat tetap semangat!

Citra Mahadianti said...

My inspo since I was in junior high school and now I'm in the final year of my undergraduate. sending love <3

Citra Mahadianti said...
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Dini said...

How inspiring blog,, gonna make a funky blog such as diana rikasari's blog for my daughter... Success always... Diana..

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