It's been a month since I started my fashion school in Istituto di Moda Burgo, Switzerland...a rather gutsy decision I took knowing that I'll just be adding more things on my plate. But that's me, sometimes too impulsive, sometimes dumb too, LOL. But I love it. I found a new world of joy in drawing, illustrating, exploring different types of pencils and markers, understanding how to make a pattern for clothes, using a sewing machine for the first time in my life, being pushed to think more creative and not just do "easy" ideas. I feel more exhausted than ever though. Perhaps because my days are just running non-stop now from morning to evening, from dropping the kids at school to putting them to sleep while in between I am running to school and replying work / business emails in the class. And also, don't forget cleaning our house and also cooking. Phewh. With all this juggling, the only thing I can do is to enjoy it - enjoy how tiring yet rewarding this life is. Bismillah.
Here are snippets from my new school life from the past 4 weeks...:)

Omg seneng banget kak dengernya that you get into a fashion school! Hope your days have been great there! Baru sadar selama ini ngikutin kak Di aku belum pernah liat kak Di do fashion drawings, they're so quirky and colorful as always!
hy kaka nice post kaka semangat selalu
Your sketches are so so good! <3
Wow Diana!!!!you go girl!
Wow Diana!!!!you go girl!
Mbaknya colourfull sekali. Dan brave. You have your own style. Saya juga baru pake mesin jahit the first time in my life karena dibelikan adik. Langsung pingin creating banyak hal jadinya. =)
love the green style combine with blue...
You're truly talented kak! Been following you since the day I know you 8 years ago:")
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