And so it happened again, just like every other year. My phone has shown no signs of ever turning back on again, and iCloud is giving me a hard time in dowloading my own backup files. I live by photos, I'm that kind of girl whose phone is her life. Sigh. I don't know what happened this time though. Suddenly my photos started disappearing batch by batch until it became totally ZERO. And as I was checking my emails, I noticed some were gone. Or I thought it was just me and my eyes. And so I went chatting with my friend on Whatsapp. Five minutes later, that very chat was gone like I it was never there. So I connected it to iTunes, try to sync and all, but it always says "try checking your connection" etc, point being, nothing is working. Unplugged my phone, and it just died. It died and gave me the black screen. And it's gone. Why.
Gonna take it to the service center asap. I really hope I can get my photos back.
Gonna take it to the service center asap. I really hope I can get my photos back.
Aamiin. hope all of your photos will be back
what a pity. semoga sembuh lagi phone nya
hope you got your files back :(
Wah kak sedih banget dengernya :( Semoga hpnya ga kenapa-kenapa ya because I know how it feels kalo hp udah rusak and the grieve and sadness that follows karena takut file ga bakal balik :")
I feel youuu... nyesek bgt!!!! smoga file2nya msh bs diback-up.
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