Dear girls,
We are finally back and open with a total new look and concept of UP! 🤗💋✨
It took us a while to rethink our new direction. Among the heavy competition of brands in the industry, we felt that the word 'competition' itself was harmful if not taken wisely. After 6 years of running our business, we wanted to enjoy this journey by being even more honest and original, creating designs from the core of our hearts. Our team and our DNA has always been fun (and a bit crazy), and this time, we are embracing it fully.
The new UP is dedicated to all girls who enjoy staying fun, young, happy, adventurous and enjoys a good laugh. We also believe in the power of colors. Join us? 😉
During this soft launch, we will be only taking orders via LINE, Whatsapp and Email as we make our final finishing touches to the new upcoming website. Meanwhile, browse our new products on Instagram @iwearup by the hashtag #UPnewcatalog and..happy shopping! 😊
Alhamdulillah... Congrats Ka Di, akhirnya bangkit lagi. :)
oooo selamat. aku sudah menanti koleksi baru
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