Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Happily sharing with you all that I am currently pregnant with baby no.2! ❤️ I have now entered the 18th week and I am feeling much better. It's been a very tough first trimester which explains why I have been absent so much including being very sick as I mentioned in my previous posts. But all is good now, inshaaAllah. I feel much energized, much more active and very much happier. Praying for a healthy baby, healthy me and a smooth ride until baby pops out. Aminnnn! :)
Super Congratulations!!
Semoga sehat selalu! <3
Kyaaaa congrats Diana! Hope everything goes well. Stay healthy!
Congrats kak Di! Semoga kak Di dan bayinya sehat sampe persalinan ♥
congratulations kak dianaaa ������ semoga bayinya sehat!
OMG, just read this. Hoping you and your baby stay healthy. And all your family too. :)
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