Did you know that the sunlight has a lot of healing benefits? :)
Medically, a good amount of exposure under the sun can kill bad bacterias, lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, increases oxygen content in our blood, and boosts our supply of Vitamin D that is good for our bones.
Emotionally, sunlight enhances our mood and can actually be a cure for depression. Regular sunlight exposure can naturally increase the serotonin levels in our body, making us more active and alert.
Given all these natural benefits, us girls should stop hiding so much under the sun and be "Berani Matahari". I know it can get ultra hot sometimes, but try to embrace its warmth and let the sunlight soak into your skin and feel healthy. After all, nature is the best remedy for our body and mind.
I am not one who runs away from the sun. I just make sure that I use a sun protection so that it filters out the bad effects of extreme sunlight (sinar UV). Otherwise, play under the sun and have fun! And speaking of sun, I just came back from Sumba and boy was it soooo hot. But that did not stop me from enjoying the beauty of Sumba and in fact, our friends and I very much enjoyed lying down on the beach and just chill. I did get darker a bit after coming back, but a bit of tan can do no harm and will fade over time anyway. You can try L’Oréal Paris UV Perfect Aqua City UV Mist as a way to protect your skin from the danger of the sun. It comes in a spray format that is easy to carry around everyday.
Do you have any stories about the sunlight too? If you do, you can share your story at www.beranimatahari.com and visit the website to know more about how the sun is good for your life.
Medically, a good amount of exposure under the sun can kill bad bacterias, lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, increases oxygen content in our blood, and boosts our supply of Vitamin D that is good for our bones.
Emotionally, sunlight enhances our mood and can actually be a cure for depression. Regular sunlight exposure can naturally increase the serotonin levels in our body, making us more active and alert.
Given all these natural benefits, us girls should stop hiding so much under the sun and be "Berani Matahari". I know it can get ultra hot sometimes, but try to embrace its warmth and let the sunlight soak into your skin and feel healthy. After all, nature is the best remedy for our body and mind.
I am not one who runs away from the sun. I just make sure that I use a sun protection so that it filters out the bad effects of extreme sunlight (sinar UV). Otherwise, play under the sun and have fun! And speaking of sun, I just came back from Sumba and boy was it soooo hot. But that did not stop me from enjoying the beauty of Sumba and in fact, our friends and I very much enjoyed lying down on the beach and just chill. I did get darker a bit after coming back, but a bit of tan can do no harm and will fade over time anyway. You can try L’Oréal Paris UV Perfect Aqua City UV Mist as a way to protect your skin from the danger of the sun. It comes in a spray format that is easy to carry around everyday.
Do you have any stories about the sunlight too? If you do, you can share your story at www.beranimatahari.com and visit the website to know more about how the sun is good for your life.
1 comment:
kalau udah nemu pantai boro-boro ingat pakai sunblock bawaannya pengen cepet-cepet maen air dan foto-foto. Tapi pulang-pulangnya shock lihat kulit kebakar, hohoh hiks.
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