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Monday, December 9, 2013

Daily Dose of Happy Thoughts

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Berries, kiwis and oranges have been my regular snack for the past few months. I think they have really helped me in feeling good - health wise and emotion wise. My tummy is so big right now. I still love to walk and go window-shopping but I get very sleepy easily heheh. My struggle is always at night though. Once I'm on my bed, I keep tossing around left and right because no position seems to be comfortable enough. I fall asleep easier in the car somehow. It's weird that I've lost mood to watch any TV series, even Glee or New Girl or Arrow or Elementary. I like reading books more. That's a good change, right? :D And I always, always miss S. I feel sad when he has to leave for work. I get very upset when he's not around. But happy thoughts. Happy thoughts of having my first child always keeps me strong and relaxed. Sometimes I cry by myself. Not because I'm sad, but because I feel really content and grateful for the blessing. Four weeks to go. In shaa Allah..:)


cut said...

Aduh kakk ikutan ga sabar liat the baby! Smoga sehat2...

Elshakrist said...

Wishing you all the best, kak di! *hugs*

The Mad Shopper's Dressing Room

Cintacha roselina said...

Hope everything's gonna be fine until your delivery :) kindly visit my fashion blog also Hopefully I can meet you to share about fashion.I love your blog :)

Cintacha roselina said...

I hope everything's will be fine until your delivery day. Please,kindly visit my fashion blog Hopefully I can meet you to share about fashiion. I love your blog :) email me if you have free time :)

TheUrbanWife said...

aahhh..aku irii..akupun pengen ngerasain itu dii.. hihihi..semoga lancar yaa semua-muanya.. aamiinn :*

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah Diana! All thanks to ALLAH swt :)

Dinda Naya said...

is your baby a boy or a girl? :)

hopefully everything will go smoothly, and your baby will bring loads of joy to your little family :)

Dinda Nayaredhanty

Mary Andrikus said...

Kyaaaa kak Diiii :)

Bokek Traveler said...

what i like about Diana's blog is.. it's all original. It's been a pleasure to read such an article ^^V.

Resep Masakan Tradisional

Astrid said...

Hai di, senang rasanya mendengar kehamianmu. Saya pun sedang hamil anak pertama 27 mggu dan rasanya luarr biasaaa. Semoga both baby an mommy sama2 sehat terus yaa sampai lahiran :)

Jane Reggievia said...

Can't wait for the baby! Take care yah kak selama 4 minggu ke depan. I hope everything will be okay. Anyway, read this post before I'm bed makes me happy too (:

diana said...

Diana, I´m so happy for you and you family for this baby! I have been following you from Mexico from several years ago and I´m so happy that you are so blessed now!

Anyway I wanted to write you now because I always visit your blog but never leave a comment, I believe that there is a lot of people like me that support you and enjoy your blog as me, but never leave a comment.

From another diana in the other part of the world! 

Dhani Aryanti said...

Diana, even I never meet you, I'm so happy to know you're pregnant. I can't wait to see your baby.. Sehat selalu yaa ibu & bayinya, I pray for you :)

Kindly visit

Unknown said...

Love ur Pregnant fashion !!
Kindly visit my blog on


dewitya dianuary said...

semangat kak, semoga lancar ya semuanya.. gak sabar deh liat anaknya hehehe

dewitya dianuary said...

semangat kak diana, semoga lancar ya lahirannya :D

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