"Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future."
- Louis B. Smedes
I understand that there are people out there who dislike me, who keep hatred towards me and will never fully forgive me for all the mistakes that I have ever done no matter how much I have apologized and changed. I do believe that that is not the point though. Because our job is not to beg. We all make mistakes, we learn, we apologize, we change, and we move on with a better understanding. Everybody makes mistakes so it is truly unfair to not give room for other people to make some. No matter how much a person disappoints me, I will always forgive and move on. I have a big heart and I am grateful to Allah for that. Therefore, my job is done and I live in peace. I just wish peace for those who find forgiving a very difficult task to do. Remember, when people hate you, love them back. Positivity always wins..:)
Great quote, Kak Di. Make me remember to forgive others because we make mistake too.
nice quote. think positive...hmm...it is easier than done. anyway, thanks for reminding to always try having a positive thinking.
Entah apa aja yang di tulis diblog ini, tapi saya salut karena blog ini sudah bisa jadi top blog indonesia... sukses terus.
Keep in touch your inspiring blog :)
Betul tuh kak, memaafkan adalah sebuah kekuatan
yes! that's true! i agree with you! even is hard to forgive someone? But we must try hard to forgive them and to let go all the mistakes that they already made. That's the lesson we must learn almost everyday. to say sorry for all mistakes we make and to forgive them for the mistake they made. :) thank you for share this di! :)
Beautiful. Sometimes it's hard to keep this attitude in mind, but it's important.
Thanks for sharing.
beautiful words, ngena banget kak! thanks for reminding :')
Thx for the quote.
Mau nanya gmn caranya bisa memaafkan?
Khususnya buat orang2 yg ganggu kita padahal kita gak ganggu mereka.
Karna biasanya sesuatu yg negatif dan menyakitkan cendrung gampang nempelnya di memori kita. Apa Kak Di punya trick atau ide untuk mengurangi rasa kesel terhapad org2 kayak gitu?
inspiring as always <3
wahh..ini yentil di gw banget ya.. klo udah kecewa sama seseorang sukanya mundur untuk menjauh. entah kenapa punya hati batu kaya gini..huhuhu..beruntung kamu yang bisa memaafkan orang dengan mudah :). Akupun mau belajar untuk bisa memaafkan dan melupakan :)
preach!!! :)
Letters To Juliet
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