I felt reaaaallllyyy sad today that I couldn't stop crying...I stupidly worked and ate at the same time that I actually spilled spaghetti sauce over my laptop keyboard and hurt the system...sigh. Tried to get it repaired but got told that I had to replace the keyboard with a new one...gadgets are expensive, you know? :'(

Unbranded blazer & shirt, Levi's jeans, Forever 21 necklace & sunglasses, random brooches, Up shoes, and a smile that ended up with tearsLesson of the day:
- Everything has their own place and time. Dining table is for eating. Desk is for working.
- Multitasking is great. But one thing at a time might be wiser sometimes.
- Gadgets are fragile. More fragile than our hearts.
- Crying is good. It makes you feel better afterwards.
- This is what happens when I skip my prayers.
Forgive me Allah...as for now, I'll be using a mini external keyboard...

cute shoessss :) super like ^^
so bad. i have spilled milk into a laptop table.
ahh how sad :(
kadang memang kita harus dapat teguran dari Allah untuk mensyukuri apa yang sudah kita punya kak . Bersyukurlah laptopnya ga kenapa2 dan masih ada solusinya :)
clog nya lucuuu banget di' huhuhu
i like it :)
:)) theres always lessons in life :)
no worries,
huwaaaaah ..
aku juga udah pernah mengalami hal yang sama kak ..
how stupid I am --"
but then we got something to learn , as you said :)
i love the line: gadgets are fragile and more fragile than our hearts! yea, they are!! :D
have a nice Di.. :)
too bad to hear that :( Be tough!!
how a lovely clog!
Oh I LOVE your shoes! It's ever so lovely! Sorry to hear about your broken laptop. You know, I've spilled my food once on my old laptop.
ahhh blazernya very cute :D
i feel sorry for your keyboard, hope your keyboard get better soon
cool shoes love your blazer :)
love your shoes kak,
about your keyboard, i feel sad too. have nice day kak :D
thanks God, yg penting data2 masih terselamatkan ya Di! ^^
btw, love your shoe shop!! mau reques,t klo bs ada high heels juga dong..yg nyaman dan gampang dipakai dan dilepas. klo yg ini kan bykan pakai strap, agak susah buat pakai &lepas nya :)
thanks Di. semangat!
Ouch, sorry to hear that. Be tough Di.
oohh..i'm sorry to hear that Di..
i love all shoes at your shoe shop! ^^
well that's unfortunate.at least you learn your lesson. :-)
and diana, gw kira itu yang rusak keyboard piano, hahahaha1gw langsung ngebayangin lo jadi musisi booo!
I once spilled hot coffee over my 2months old netbook :(
things bad always happen when i skip praying. guess u were right. poor u..
There is no mistake in life, only lesson :D
Yg pnting trikk buat pakenya hehe
errrr.... mirip banget nih kayak Fujisawa Ema di film Lovely Complex.
You must see it by yourself. :D
haha u're cute (as if that's not aparrent enough) ;)
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