Btw, below is a picture from yesterday's interview (and photoshoot) with Aneka magazine...
This was literally the quickest photoshoot I've ever experienced as I was running late for another meeting...we only took 4 shots, no make up, no hair setting, no wardrobe preparation...hahah...all I know was I wanted to jump...:D
Thank you, Dina, for sharing this pic! :)
may i know your height pleaseeee.. :)
may i know your height, pleasee???
may i know your height, pleasee???
amei a saia! :D
may i know your height,pleasee? :)
cute.. skirt nya beli dimana kak?? :D
I have sooo much respect for your style! You never fail to impress. So inspirational :)
hey cute skirt.. :)
made by ur self or.,how.?
itu bener2 unik say..
hey cute skirt.. :D
hand made by ur self or..how.??
itu roknya bener2 unik say.. :)
wow, the result of photoshot is cute.
i wonder why the title is named anjani?
roknya imut baget.....
cocok banget dipake kak di ^^
Gorgeous skirt. Want it want it want it.
Where did you get it?
whoaa,lucu bgt skirtnya Di ;)
wow, the skirt is cute a lot!
giveaway!! >> http://etinological.blogspot.com/2010/12/giveaway.html
Wow...!! Rok nya cantikkk bgt...!! Suka!! :))
wow your skirt is so great!
eehh thank youuu back!!!
who is anjani?btw the skirt is amazing.it's bubbling like that.
hi, im from philippines. I really really admire how you mix and match dresses! :) the shoes (omg!) :) keep it up! thanks for giving ideas on what to wear! hehe
love anjani :D
can i know,how tall is ur up shoes? i mean i wana know the inches of that shoes.
myra (malaysia)
hello Diana!
today I wanted to check your blog, the first thing in the morning, but, guess what! A lot of copy cats have taken your name, first I searched hotchocolateandmint, and appeared hotchocolateandmint.com, a boring site, then I typed hotchocolateandmint.blogspot.com and a different blog appeared, I guess this girls love you so much, they even copied your header.... the nerve..... anyhow, I love your blog, I would love to take your picture!
it's so fabulous :)
it's so fabulous :)
it's so fabulous :)
is it comes with any different color of shoes?? like the detail!
i like your skirt..super cuteeee
Thank you so much, all! :)
anonymous: i'm 161 cm...:)
shinta hawa thandari & pulpy freshop : you mean the puffy skirt yg aku pake sebagai daleman? belinya di eBay.com...:)
setiani anjarwirasti : because the shoe name I wore here is called ANJANI...:)
Anonymous2: the UP shoes are 9cm high...:)
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