Here are my views! :)

I loooooved Danjyo Hiyoji's collection....spot on from head to toe as always! And the shoes were awesome though I can't imagine walking in them...thank God no model tripped during the show...:) Anyway, does anyone agree with me that Danjyo Hiyoji is like (X)SML taken to another level? The colors, the fabrics, the cuts...they somehow carry the same feeling...:)
KLe was...well, it was the sort of collection where you're in awe with some of the pieces, but left unimpressed by the rest...I liked the way the models used these headpieces with controversial lines, but I deemed the lines to appear stronger than the clothes, which shouldn't be...my favorite was a jacket that had like water-drops hanging from the shoulders (too bad I don't have the pictures though)....I think I'm gonna get that for myself...;p

Twentyforteen was all about swimwear (duh!), and I found them to be 'just okay'. I actually liked the plastic outerwear better hihihi...:)
STAB was the only brand that carried out a fun, playful show...but it was confusing. The only outfit I liked was the one above, and the rest seemed rather lost. I loved the idea how the collection was supposed to be innocent & childlike, but perhaps it went slightly too much.

Resida Irmine's collection reminded me of ninjas...I admire the interesting asymmetrical cuts..:)
Now my favorite was surely this one. Cotton Ink! Before the show, I was actually thinking how the two girls behind this brand would be able to take their usual basic pieces into a collection that would appear appropriate for a fashion show. But they sure did it! They managed to keep their signature style yet appear sophisticated and very fashionable. I loved the use of trims and pockets topped off with round sunglasses. Bravo!

Now Dina Vahada is always conceptual. Always. And that's what I love about her. This time her collection was about magic, witches, black cats, that sort of thing. I loved almost every piece of hers....the only dress I didn't like was the one where she combined black lace with nude-colored lining...but the rest was amazing! I also loved the opening where the models came out with black umbrellas....:)
Moving on...didn't find Astrid's collection interesting.

So yeah...
- Most Innovative Local Brand: Cotton Ink
- Most Talented Young Designer: Dina Vahada
Of course all of the above is purely my personal opinion, and I apologize if it doesn't sound right. I salute everyone who got into the show! Cheers!! :)
PS: Errr....well...

holla, i was there too!!
btw, i kinda agrre about the danjyo hiyoji is a step forward version of (x)s.m.l but i think its becos of the touch of Rama Dauhan who was the designer for (x)s.m.l . either way, who wouldnt love danjyo hiyoji? and dina vahada's collection is a blessing from above!
Ario Achda
howaaa, seru banget pasti bisa ada disana, aku suka vahada's collection. congratulattions for her :)
Ario Achda: I just knew that! No wonder the vibe is similar...thanks for letting me know! :)
Fitri: seruuu hihih...:) Yup...loooove VAHADA...:)
agree! me like vahada's the most :))
looove the clothes. especially the one with the bird shaped headpiece. and vahada's blog is really cool XD
if conceptual means cheesy, costume-y, bad execution and outdated hooker lacey garments then i agree with you. she could have taken the concept a million steps further without being so terribly kitsch. just my 2 cents.
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