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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ulos Or Not Ulos

At first I thought these Osborn shoes are using Indonesia's Ulos textile...

...are they?


Nadya said...

omg.. those shoes are awesome! kayaknya Ulos beneran ya soalnya harganya mahal..

Morine Rociana said...

I don't think so, D.
Coz' there's a different pattern on it.
Maybe other Indonesian Textile...

eelectroCutee said...

sepertinya ga cm ulos aja kak.. kain flores jg iya. :D

grace said...

i think those shoe are inspired by ulos..detailnya aja hampir sama
so proud of it!! :)

veda said...

yang tengah ungu kayak kain songket bali!!! ^^

Anonymous said...

it is! and they didn't give any credits or what? how dare

Unknown said...

lovely shoes!
Sayang kenapa bukan orang Indonesia sendiri yg kepikiran buat mempopulerkan ulos, sebagai org Indonesia sy malu -___-

Miy said...

Never thought of ulos as modern fashion item before.. it's underrated compare to batik, no? Thanks for sharing.

The Picnic Girl

Anonymous said...

All Osborn shoes are made in Guatemala, and all the woven fabric is 100% Guatemalan produced directly from cultural ethnic Guatemalan textile artistry.

Diana Rikasari said...

anonymous: thank you so much for letting me know!! so glad to know...:)

Anonymous said...

I'm proud because as a Bataknese and also Indonesian, there are some people from outside Indonesia who love to use Ulos and the other Indonesian textile for the material of their own products, especially those fashionable shoes =D.

But I feel insulted cause there are a lot of Indonesian who doesn't like to use the local products, and they prefer wear the imported products!

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