Playing around with my
kebaya encim...
It deserves days in the office or malls! :)
Ebase blazer, custom made skirt, Cenik Renik bag, Luminescence ring, Nine West shoes
DR for Bloop Endorse faux-leather shorts, Leather Shop belt, Luminescence ring, Fashion Puff necklace, Toko Dua Amoi shoesPS: Received this ring & necklace from
Little Lula...adorable!! :)
aahh.. gorgeous green!! love greenie thing.. and how creative you are, wearing kebaya encim like that! :D
love the 2nd mix and match :)
outstanding ka di..
faboulous :))
aa suka banget rok dari foto pertama! itu custom made dari mana kak?
makasih! :)
it's always look awesome on you~~
aww you are really a creative person! pyjamas even kebaya looks cooler when you mix and match it!
love love love it!
Hello Diana,
I love how you wear the kebaya and you look so gorgeus!
ugh-mazing kak!
kerrreeeen kak!
kk bisa membuat kebaya itu dari tradisional ke modern!
cool! :D
btw,jd inget kmaren bis kebayaan juga..
aq kan lg kul d mlg ni,trus kmaren bru k MTD alias Malang Tempo Doeloemdsna smuanya tempo dlu bgt d, mulai mkanannya,btk bangunannya,gbr2nya..mpe orang2 yg ksna jg pke bju jamn dlu,kyak kebya+sewek ao batikan..serrru d pokoknya...
hope u visit it next year..!!
keren ka!!!! aku suka nih....
aww lovely kebaya encim kak:) so traditional but you give a modern touch! SUPER!
wiiihh jadi keren kebaya nya kak :) i actually dont own a kebay :|
tp liat bgini jd pingin beli..haha
Your wallet is adorable.
totally love the ring and necklace, gorgeous <3 and you made the kebaya looks fabulous :D
Hello to the World
i love the 2nd pic kak!
whaa jadi pengen punya kebaya hehehe
yang pertama itu cantik sekaliii..hehe
bagus banget mix and matchnya.. kebaya , batik, blazer.. adorable!!
Damn, I Love Indonesian style!
hi, im serene. i been looking for this pair of shoes for months(Toko Dua Amoi shoes) any idea where i can get them? :)
wuuuuuw, cinta saam kebaya encimnya, mwaaaah ;)
such a lovely lovely lovely combinations. i mean it. thanks, di.
i love how you can make a kebaya looks so fashionable.
thank you soooo much, all!! :)
Bunga Kariodimedjo: itu bahan dan jait di Pasar Mayestik hehehhe :)
anonymous: i bought it here:
love this so much, kreatip abisss, inspirational
suka banget bangetttt ><
I heart it diana...thumbs up..=)
looooove those mix and match. Nice kebaya!
Suka sekali dengan kebaya-nya, boleh tahu belinya dimana? Thanks.
Btw, I like your blog a lot :)
Widyayeni: kebaya MAYSUDA dijual di Metro Department Store..ukurannya enak bgt, langsung pas di tubuh :)
hi sis, i love u black studded bag, itu zara pny ya? brp sih harganya? thanks^^
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