My car got hit from the right side...:'( It wasn't a major accident, but it really shocked me that I cried the whole time during my way back home...but I'm okay
alhamdulillah, just need to fix the right-front door since it can't be opened now...and thank you for those who messaged me on twitter...good night! :)

Unbranded dress & bag, Forever 21 tutu skirt, Uniqlo tights, Topshop socks, Moonaddict shoes
I am glad you are ok. That is the important thing!! You look as always.
B* a la Moda
that's so unfortunate you got in an accident, glad you're okay! great dress and bag, love the glasses too!
Awww so sorry to hear that kak di :( hope everythings fine ya :D goodnite kak!
hope you're ok, and not too damaged xx gorgeous outfit :D
glad you're doin' okay!
have a safe driving always :)
wow, shocking news.. but thankfully u're ok :)
I looooove this dress! Such a cute and colourful outfit. xxx
cute! i like this dress a lot
and i'm sorry to hear about your car--i'm just glad to see youre okay, lady!!!
That dress is beautiful and I love your bag!
Glad you're okay after the car crash! Must've been scary. =S
You're looking so cute and original as always!
Alhamdulillah you're fine :) wow I love your dress and bag. Kinda flowery mixed with candies :9 its so WONDERFUL :D
love the dress it's very sweet...happy to know that u're OK
be patient ya kak :) thanks god you're save, and love your clothes always!
super ♥ the tutu skirt with the dress kak di!
kak dianaa!! i love your dress :D
where did you buy it??
love ur dress and tutu skirt, u look so cute..
what's going on?
pasti karena sakit kepala yang semalam itu kan?????
atau gara-gara kebanyakan makan cabe kemarin?
really nice dress :)
gladdd tat u r fine :)
lovelyy dress :DD !! <3
Secret of Life
i love this outfit !
u look awesome as always kak !
wow, it's a very pretty and unique pattern dress. where did u buy it??
thank you so much, all! it's great to know such kind people like you all <3
really sorry about your car accident, glad that you're fine dee :)
Thank God you're OK in that car accident. And hope it will not makes you get traumatic on driving.
Once, I have ever had the same experience too. Thank God I'm still OK and still don't get trauma on driving by myself.
i ♥ your dress,,
so cute..
and so glad you are oke =)
thank God you're ok! be more careful later okay..:)
love your outfit here..
it looks very very cute on you!
Love the dress! btw, i've linked your blog
check out my new shop blog:
aaa so nice :)
That same. Like my big brother. when he's driver crashed into another car to avoid a truck. But, my big brother is okay. like you :) And I am glad you are okay. hehe
very cute dress!! where did you get it?
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