Finallly...a chance to blog again..yay! Was off for a business trip to Surabaya and are some pics I took during our very limited free time..:)
Surabaya... Bali... And hey! I got to see Imogen Heap live in concert just now! Sooooooo happy..:)
Waaahh ke surabaya dan ke bali... asik sekali... pas dibali ke The Corner Store nggak? tempatnya kece banget buat breakfast, dan bajunya yang dijualpun kece-kece!
Imogen Heap :( mauuuuuu
waw...thats cool!!...
itu yg bunder2 kalung yaa?, hihi..
gede amat... Surabaya ya kak, kok qt g ktmu ya? hehehe
Ice cream Zangrandi enak tu kak, pling terkenal di Sby.
Td liat festival pa kak yg da kudanya?
kyaaaaa, Bali.... jd pengen kesana juga
kalungnya unik banget tuh..hehee
Waaahh ke surabaya dan ke bali... asik sekali... pas dibali ke The Corner Store nggak? tempatnya kece banget buat breakfast, dan bajunya yang dijualpun kece-kece!
When will you be in Surabaya again, miss Diana? We hope we could meet each other, so that we can take some photos of you :)
If you haven't known yet about us, please visit
post foto2 wktu ke imogen heap concert dooong. aku juga dtg :)
wanna go there someday!!! ;)
nice journey!
i believed!
Wooo....looks fun!
Udah lama nggak ke Bali juga nih.
And Zangrandi ice cream really makes me mupeng dot com ;P
you've just made me miss bali, haha.
and surabaya..never been there, but i've heard i can find a lot of nice food over there ;P
lovely trip kak di :)
kak dee, tempat beli kap lampu di bali itu dimana ya? trus tempat jual kalungnya dimana? they all are soo cuuuttee :)
makasih ^^
Such a nice trip. I wanna go someday. Those necklaces look so yummy I even wanna eat it.
wew.. beli kalungnya ditoko apa kak di????
nice trip Di.... ^_^ Surabaya lovely city isn't it... hehe. kok ga ketemu aku yaaa :p
thank you so much, all! Surabaya, Bali & Imogen Heap was all much fun :)
ta2imoetzsedunia: iya kalung...gede banget yak hehehehhe ;p
The Corner Store: gak sempeeeet...sigh...maybe next time! amin :D
Surabaya Fashion Carnival : i'll be back this Sunday..wanna meet up? :)
widyarahma: will do, dear! :)
Creatiia: di Jl. Legian Kaja :)
kebookyut: di Toko Bougenville, Jl. Legian Kaja no. 456 :)
Hah ke Surabaya kok ga woro2 Kak ?? Kan aku pengen ketemu Kak Di langsung :D
kak di..t-shirt benderanya beli dmana?
hie diana, wer did u get the floral legging dat u wore wif e yellow dress?? im very interested!
kak itu mama kakak yg pake krudung????
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