Currently enjoying playing with basic patterns...:)
Unbranded t-shirt, stripe sweater & bowler hat, Picnic polkadot skirt, mom's belt, Moretosee flower brooch, Enzo Angliolini sandalsBtw, check out my new detachable boot flats from
Yay!! :)

So versatile! Plus it's cute ;)
hello there..just dropping by..even though this is my 1st time here..but woah!! awesome blog!! i'll link u ya! ^_~ take care!
love the shoes!! very innovative!! I like~~ =)
wow! cool shoes!
me likey! :]
Fantastic outfit, you are always so colourful!
wow such a cool idea with the shoes
cute detachable shoes!!!
cute cute cute :) you rock
i love your colors and patterns! and those shoes are really genius.
I want that shoeeessss....
good shoe...nice
visit my blog...and happy blogging
love ur shoes!
i always love the way you mix those colors! :)
love that boots!
soo inspired..kerennn deeeh
ikutan buka donk,hiihi innspired
buka juga dong
soo inspired
buka juga donk
sooo inspired...buka juga donk :)
the magic shoes i guess..
whoaaa love the shoes A LOT! must buy item this month...
keren bgt diana rambut kamu dikepang gitu, unik gak kyk biasanya yg cuma diiket ke belakang, terus blue di mix sama maroon keren juga ya, two thumbs up dech buat diana , emang gak selalu tampil beda he..he..
aww the hat!
sepatu bagus banget..
rasanya pingin di comotin..hehe
btw..itu sepatunya atasnya bisa dilepas gitu ya?
jadinya bisa jadi kaya flat shoes gitu bukan din?
lovee the shoes.outrageous :)))
hey that outfit look really nice on you. It makes you look way skinnier. :)
Your skirt reminds me of a strawberry :-)
Do you know you look a lot like UEE of the Korean girl group, After School? I don't know if you listen to K-pop, but just thought I should mention it. ^_^
you look like candy...I'm gonna bite you :D
SO Cute
it remind me of ke$ha boots on tik tok song. same color, both of them boots but diferrent style
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