Speaking of my real account, I would like to apologize for not being able to confirm your friend-requests as I'd like to keep my facebook account personal and private...i reaaaaally hope you guys can understand this matter, and thank you so much before! :)
maybe you should create a facebook fan page :)
maybe you should make a fan page for your fans
untung aku blum add... hehe
dee, salam kenal yaa..
oia aku ngusulin blog ini untuk jadi kompas kita.. biar makin eksis.. hehe.. semoga berhasil!
maybe u can make fan page next time so dat ur fan can keep in touch with u..
ainee cumi2
understandable! :) yep ,agree with Rika Safrina! u should create Fan Page! :)
yes, agree with Rika, create a fan page, so we still could be attached with you in fb world :)
I agree with the comments above. Make your own fan page! ;)
iyaa, kemaren aku add terus dia langsung confirm kan kaa terus dia manggil aku langsung "hY.." gt. terus di wallnya tulisan alay2 semua lagi omg banget kaa, terus aku berpikiran jernih kalo itu bukan dianarikasari terus aku remove deh haha
Facebook nya itu lagian gbs dikirim message yah?
bikin fan page aja kak.. :D
lah? emg kakak tinggal di bandung? bukan nya jakarta?
udah aku report loh kak fake profilenya yg palsu itu. iya setuju ama komen2 lain, bikin fan page aja kak :)
lucky...I haven't add it yet :)
Better in blogspot here, since I know this is the real you :)
but the fake account now has 400+ friends...
ah pantes aja ga diepruf2, padahal udah add yg aseli...huh!
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