Attended Berto & Tiara's wedding reception today, and decided to wear my mom's blouse and pleated skirt! Hahah! Surprisingly they fit me just right! :D
And nooooooo I did NOT wear my usual lens-less glasses to the wedding reception hahah...
Anyway, some pics from the excuse the poor quality ;p
whiii am i the first? hehe u look gorgeous kak, really! :)
Ooohhh...I knew, I knew it! I think I saw you in the middle of the crowds in Berto and Tiara's wedding; since I also went there too.
But, since I'm not too sure, I didn't call you at that time :D Now I'm sure, since I saw that you wearing this lovely pink n blue-dress. It makes you looks very sweet in last night' party.
a very nice look great..btw.since u using 3 column blog..i want to ask u bout can i make a 3 column blog??its so means a lot if you can help me..thanks..
hiii Di... i've been looked your seminar in PPM last saturday...what a inspired"
di, gw punya kain-kain batik dan kain NTT..boleh tolong kasih ide tentang style yang oke untuk pake ke kain-kain itu ga? Jadi bisa dipakai tanpa harus dijahit.. jadi kaya model kain ikat gitu..
hiii Di... i've been looked your seminar in PPM last saturday...what a inspired"
di, gw punya kain-kain batik dan kain NTT..boleh tolong kasih ide tentang style yang oke untuk pake ke kain-kain itu ga? Jadi bisa dipakai tanpa harus dijahit.. jadi kaya model kain ikat gitu..
hiii Di... i've been looked your seminar in PPM last saturday...what a inspired"
di, gw punya kain-kain batik dan kain NTT..boleh tolong kasih ide tentang style yang oke untuk pake ke kain-kain itu ga? Jadi bisa dipakai tanpa harus dijahit.. jadi kaya model kain ikat gitu..
whiii am i the first? hehe
u look gorgeous kak, really! :)
nice outfit!
Check out our fashion blog, we are 3 aussie teens who need more followers!!!
awwww you're so gorgeous! :)
You look great!!!! I love the pink bag!!!
D,D colour is gorgeous!sometimes i did that too.wore my mom's dress ^^
the colors of your dress is so beautiful.
you look gorgeous!
you have an awesome blog.
Greetings from Japan
what a beautiful blouse! I love the mix between pink and blue. just sooo cute :D
Love the dress. The colour is so catchy! :)
waw , the gradient is wonderful !! awesome
wow..kamu cantik juga ya...
kunjungi blog ku ya happy blogging
Cute pouch!
im a fan, kak Di :)
ohya, and would u check mine too..?
only if u hv time, thanks :D
Sonia Eryka
Hello, Diana...
Ooohhh...I knew, I knew it!
I think I saw you in the middle of the crowds in Berto and Tiara's wedding; since I also went there too.
But, since I'm not too sure, I didn't call you at that time :D Now I'm sure, since I saw that you wearing this lovely pink n blue-dress. It makes you looks very sweet in last night' party.
love the dress, it's unique not like the usual attending-wedding dress like kebaya, batik or casual dress. Where'd your mom get that?
I really love your dress!The color look fabulous and you look gorgeous!!
i really like it ;)
love the dress D,
and very cute!
always cute even if u wore long semi formal dress..
love the bangles! :)
a cute combination colour :)
wow u look beautiful!
wahh, kakak kreatif banget yaa!
selalu beda style nya dari yang lain. tapi selalu adorable to wear..
two thumbs up for you kakak cantik... :)
really adorable to wear.
i really love the way u styling.
two thumbs up sist... :)
oh my u look like princess..
cute outfit
Hey, I'd think it be pretty charming if you had worn your glasses. :)
Or maybe I'm just biased, after all I also sport those sexy things.
wow lovely dress kak di, love the colour...
kak maaf ya gak sopan ngga pamitan dulu kmarin..abis ketemu kak heidy aku dijemput pacar hhhhe :)
cantik banget kak :D
ooo and you met other lovely bloggers during the wedding ??
that's sooo great !
Brim over I assent to but I dream the list inform should acquire more info then it has.
a very nice look great..btw.since u using 3 column blog..i want to ask u bout can i make a 3 column blog??its so means a lot if you can help me..thanks..
u look stunning in that! :)
ohhh the dress is sooo lovely!!
this is so pretty!
beautiful :)
Love the colours! They are gorgeous :)
keren juga ya buat kondangaan bajunya gitu..
fresh!! gr8 idea...
love it :)
hiii Di...
i've been looked your seminar in PPM last saturday...what a inspired"
di, gw punya kain-kain batik dan kain NTT..boleh tolong kasih ide tentang style yang oke untuk pake ke kain-kain itu ga?
Jadi bisa dipakai tanpa harus dijahit..
jadi kaya model kain ikat gitu..
thanks sis..(^0^)
hiii Di...
i've been looked your seminar in PPM last saturday...what a inspired"
di, gw punya kain-kain batik dan kain NTT..boleh tolong kasih ide tentang style yang oke untuk pake ke kain-kain itu ga?
Jadi bisa dipakai tanpa harus dijahit..
jadi kaya model kain ikat gitu..
thanks sis..(^0^)
hiii Di...
i've been looked your seminar in PPM last saturday...what a inspired"
di, gw punya kain-kain batik dan kain NTT..boleh tolong kasih ide tentang style yang oke untuk pake ke kain-kain itu ga?
Jadi bisa dipakai tanpa harus dijahit..
jadi kaya model kain ikat gitu..
thanks sis..(^0^)
hi! i've always been your silent reader but i really have to comment on this one. your baju is super gorgeous! so, so, so nice! :)
Wow wow wow...thank you soooo much, all!! :)
evRy puRbA : hhmm...i'll try my best! :D
Juwita Liestania: just search in google "how to create 3 column blog" and there should be many tutorials that'll help! :)
michelle_: indeed! :)
bethannyputri : gak papa kok worries! :D
mia chan: should have supaya kita bisa kenal huhuhu ;p
Rika Safrina: my mom got the dress in Citos (Ladies Day Bazaar) :)
@ Diana : Wow, you were really lucky to get that dress in bazaar, Di :DD .. superb gown to have dressed in wed! xDD
waw mamanya gaul juga ^.^ pantes nurun ke anaknya
kok dapet aja sih di gelang yang matching?? :D
alhamdulillah saya tidak begitu gelap ya mbak diana? bahahaha
Gorgeous dress.. as always, you are so cool, kak
thank you thank you! :)
winka : tau tuh...emak gue kan Mrs. Matching ;p
Benazio: alhamdulillah :)
mmmm.beutiful girl...
dressnya baguuuuuussss
wey ternyata kakak juga daetng ke nikahannya berto & tiara? kok aku gak liat sih hehehe
Wow diana, the outfit is gorgeous!!!!! May I know where the outfit is from, please?
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