It all began when the owner contacted me to design the logo. Wondershoe wasn't that much of a hit back then, though I was very much convinced that it got all the potential it needs. When I first developed the concept and design, I immediately felt connected to the brand. And I felt involved, thus attached. So yes, Wondershoe isn't mine, but it's a brand that I care about and am proud of. And that logo I designed is flying to Spain! WOW!
Keep us proud, Wondershoe! Congratulations and all the best! :)
I LOVE WONDERSHOE!!and am happy for them! <3
yeah.congrats wodershoe!
we should be proud of our local brand!:D
come visit &leave some comment:D
cool :)
and you must be so happy that you're involved from the beginning. anyway love the logo :)
itu lo yang buat design wondershoenya?
kereeeeeeeen, gw suka
I thought you are just their loyal customer, but I just realized that you are one of the creator.. You're awesome :)
I love their collection, they are totally deserve it!!
yes, i've read their post about the news..
it's a prove that our local brand are acceptable in the international world, agree??
wow congrats to them! i think you did a fab job in the logo, its lovely
wow congratz !!
can't wait to see wondershoe in one of Paris' shop display someday :)
congratulation !!
your blog is great!
i love fashion, are this fhasion blog, sori bahasa inggrisku blepotan...enakan pakai bahasa indonesia aja
and u too diana :)
Amiable dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
congratz for wondershoe! :)
I love Wondershoe too!
And I adore your design, Diana
Congratz Wondershoe! :)
Congratulations to them, congratulations to you, and the best... congratulations to me!! I will be here, in Spain, waiting for them to arrive!! I´m going to check their collection right now!!
that's a wonderful logo kak :D
i love it very much !
Congratulations to Wondershoe and you too!
Actually, everyone who owns wondershoe should be proud too.
The best thing about wondershoe is the design is undeniably cute and the price is really affordable (please make it just like that even wondershoes aldy 'fly' to Spain) hehe.. coz as the buyers .. 'expensive' is the word that we dreaded the most .. ;)
But can I suggest eventhough, wondershoes' shoes are for 'flat shoes junkie' hehe ..I think they shoud add 'wedges' to their collection .. besides, gladiator and flats .. it'll be nice to have the quirky cute wedges in their collection ..
and if they have it i'll be the first to buy .. hehe (ps: wedges makes me look taller & slimmer) .. haha .. its lame but thats how shoes can do a 'wonder'/magic :)
thats just my two cents though. lol.. (or more)
but please2 consider.. hahaha..
cheers n hugs ..
Wow, ternyata logo Wondershoe Diana yang buat? It's cool n cute!!
Mirip banget sama sepatu yang baru-baru ini kupesan dari sana.
Nice work, Diana n Wondershoe.
CandyFeet sebagai online shop juga bangga dengan merek yang satu ini, saluuut eh tapi kamu juga Diana, blognya sudah melalang buana ke luar negeri..wuw, rating per-kliknya pasti sedaaaaaap tuh, hehehe... :)
wooww congrats wondershoe and you too diana :D
Hi, I,m Angel from Spain and I have bought wondershoe for my store in Zaragoza - Spain. I will make photos of the wondershoe corner in my shop. I LOVE WONDERSHOE and your blog Diana. Thanks!!
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