Super yayness! Finally the shoes I designed for Wondershoe are available and ready to accompany you walk around town!! I tried to keep the shoes simple yet edgy to make sure it's suitable for daily wear but cool enough to make your friends notice hehehe...meet the 3 new babies; Alexis, Ashley and Adrianne...:)

FYI, Wondershoe's online shop ships worldwide...yayyyyyyyyy!
Available at:
Jl. Kemanggisan Raya no. 103
Jakarta Barat
Jl. Sultan Agung no. 9
Jl. Bawean no. 39
Jl. Boulevard A1/3 Panakukang Mas
alexis is GORGEOUS!!!luv luv luv all of em!nice job diana!oh btw,IDR 195.000 is equal to RM?
I <3 Alexis too :)
That is so friggin awesome!!
do you send to california?
Me likey the adrianne one. Can we just purchase from ur shop? Hehe :))
Me likey the adrianne one. Can we just purchase from ur shop? Hehe :))
congrats Dii !!
I really like the alexis:)..
actually at 1st I like ashley,but I don't like the love details at the back side..hihi..but the flowery pattern is nice :)
good job :D
i looooooooooooooooove them. i'll order, yeah yeah yeah
adrianne is soooo cute
I love it :)
Love the brogue's and the blue ones espically. I can imagine throwing on some lace and a blazer and going out dancing , and my feet not becoming decimated in the process.
love it so much!!!
Oh damn! ... sorry ... :)
but your "babies" are wonderful!
My favorite is a romantic Ashley ... ;) Good work!
Oh wow, those are so cool. You did a great job designing them!
nice shoes ..! love it
if the 1 rm = Rp.2900,-
it gonna be around 67rm :)
wow! they're awesome! i love all the little details you wouldn't notice at first glance, like the chain on alexis and the heart on ashley. x
oh my.. fierce Alexis! love it love it love it! <33
Wow wow!! I love Alexis the most most, great job!! :0)
L-O-V-E the last pair!
Awesome!! Congrats!! The shoes look fantastic! :D
Aww, Diana I've been so excited to see these!! Yay! They are all fab, the little details make them all super special. The floral ones are SO mine... horay for worldwide shipping! :D
Congrats again for this amazing opportunity, your style NEEDS to be shared with the world!!
oh my gooooodd! me wannaaa the alexis! oh god god god! you're awesome, kak Di!
love all the three shoes..very cute n adorable!!!
love those shoes very much Diana!
those are fantastic. I want Ashley...or all 3
the ashley is so awesomme :)
diana, if IDR 135.000 converted to RM is how much??
looooooooove the shoes so much!
OMG design kamu ya D,,
keren2 bangettttttttttttttttt
Lovable stuffs! ;D
I like the Alexis!!
OMG keren..
the ashley shoe is so cute... the heart, the floral, the ribbon embellishment.. i heart eveything about it, except the fact that they're flats, not heels.. ):
great collaboration anyway! congrats! (:
Diii..lucuu-lucuu bgt nihh..mau bgt gw..hehehehe
i love cutie ashley! :D
i think ashley will be better if it don;t have a love at the back ;)
go diana!
i freakin love the alexis one, too bad it's expensive
wowww...D !!!
congratz ya, sepatunya bener2 mencerminkan seorang DIANA RIKASARI yg unik !!!
seandainya ada sepatu buat cowok pasti langsung gw beli he..he..
2 thumbs-up for u Dii XD
2 thumbs-up for u Dii XD
2 thumbs-up for u Diii =D
I'll definitely grab them all!! lol... they are tooo cute!! adorable...
Alexis is awesome.
Ashley too .!
i love them both .!!
Can you ship to Israel?:)
and what will be the cost of shipping?
lucuuu lucuuu banget kaaak :DDD
(i love adrianne the most !)
congrats ya kak ! great collaboration !
Did they take orders from malaysia??
di,i'm posting the 1 pic in my blog from your blog. u can see it @ my blog ya: huelicious.blogspot.com. ;)
ashley is super Ć¼ber cute <3
wow....love the Alexis so much....keren banget design kamu ....
lucuuu banget tapi mahaaal banget.heheu
om goodness! I was jz about to ask can we at Msia get it and there u go, stating it is ship worldwide. ;) bravo!
geez .
ashleynyaaaaaa ga nahann :D
hahaha .
uda available di store ?
woww. I love ashley!!
So in love with Alexis! It's so HAWT 8D
Oh I wanna have it!
Great job, Kak! :D
oh myyyyyyyyyyyy! mau banget adrianne, cuma biru ya warnanya? seneng bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet ternyata jual di bandung juga :)
Alexis are perfect!!!
But Ashley are sooooo cute!
You're fabulous designer, hehehe :)
waw GORGEOUS! I really love Ashley :)
hi everyooooone...sorry that it took a while for me to respond...thank you soooo much for the great response...really appreciate it :)
Wondershoe's website (aka online shop) is still being fixed as there seems to be an error in the system...hopefully it'll be settled soon so you all can shop! yayyyy!! for your alternative, you can also visit the stores i mentioned in this post...:)
the shoes are priced Rp.195.000 each...for those outside Indonesia / international buyers (including malaysia & singapore), prices are charged in US dollar which is US$20...please don't ask me why this is applied as i'm only the 'designer' here hehehe...
sooooo...happy shopping guys...lots of love :)
Ohh my goshh
Sooo cutee :)
Congratulations thats freakinggg amazinggg
Andd they are gorgeouuusss!!!
Congrats!! super cute!!
ashley is si cuteee !:D
These are adorable, Diana! You did a wonderful job.
........... speechless pas liat ashley AAAAAAAAA flower patterns!!!! tp pas liat adrianne juga speechless. jd bingung beli yg mana huhuhuhu harganya lumayan mahal sih. no wonder sih limited edition soalnya... bingung nihhh
love Ashley....
great job sista!!!!!!!
i like the ashley one :)
just now i like floral.
i didn't know that there is a wondershoe shop in surabaya.. i'm so gonna check it out.
good jooob!!
mampir ya k miuu..
wow love all the shoes!!so good!
Great job they're lime and Lovelyy
the shoes are so you diana =]]
OMG!!!! I WANT ALL 3 designs!!! so pretty :-)
Awww.. They're all cute :)
wow congratz dee! u're so genius! and i'm thinking about buying Alexis! it's so mee!! =)
all of them are dropdead gorgeous...... LOVE
wawwww, segera meluncur ke TKP =)
cool stuff!
Oh I'd LOVE to get the ones with the chain and put my own charms all over them! Went to the site, but it's not working....! Hallllp!
hi, first of all i really like your shoes and i would really love them all but every time i try to buy them, indonesia is the only country mentionned on the order forms ( you said that wondershoes ships worldwide ... ) will this be fixed i really need these shoes they are awesome
That's nice designs! I love it!
kak di, alexis ama ashley nya cute banget, i have my own now :)
love alexis !
thanks for designed it !
eveytime i wear it my friends always said
"lucu banget. beli di mana ?"
thanks thanks a lot
I love the Ashleys!
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