Did many things today, including meeting up with Arin, Panji and Didiet...:)
Thrifted blazer, Topman t-shirt, tailor-made shorts, Topshop tights, Aigner bag, Wondershoe shoe

With Arin & Panji...
Best thing...bought these
Miss Sixty sandals!! Yayyyy!!! In love love love love love :)
its soooo soooo soooo beautiful ok..
i love it sooooo much...
n i adore ur style la...
blognya keren..salam kenal ya..thanks
Everything in this post is just completely fabulous. The jacket, the colors, the jumping picture, your new shoes...so great! =D
foto loncat nya lucu banget kak di, hihihi..
gayanya kok mirip si tara hotta lotta yah? Hahaha bingung gw sapa yg niru sapa? XP
ur new shoes is so adorable! :D
penasaran aja harganya berapaan si mba?
Awesome blazer.
Nice Blazer and shoes. Thanks you....
truly shopaholic ya kak di? hihi.. blanja terus. but nice taste!
Oh I love that blazer and I'm loving your new sandals!!
Nice blazer Di ;)
Those sandals make me jealous xP
i loooove that sandal !!! soooo cuteee !! I'm jealous
tas aignernya lucu.love it:)
hey D, eh tahu nggak pas gw liat posting yg ini, terus ada foto loncatnya , gw langsung ketawa tahu nggak :) kok kita bisa ya posting foto loncat ini hampir dalam waktu yg bersamaan di blog masing2, lucu deh pas nulis comment ini gw gak berhenti ketawa tahu nggak apalagi pas ada comment di blog kamu kalo gaya foto loncatnya sama , tapi gw nggak peduli ah ini kan cuma buat lucu-lucuan ya kan? yg pasti gw nggak sengaja bikin foto loncat itu, kalo pendapat kamu gimana, D ?
tambah comment lagi ya, kayaknya pose loncat kamu lebih bagus D, soalnya kaki kamu panjang udah gitu fotonya jernih lagi , nggak burem kayak gw :)
I heart ur blazer and ur shoes.
nice blazer
beli dmn berapa sis ?
di, i think i saw u at sushi tei heheh. gorgeous blazer
thanks, guuyyssssss! :)
angga chen: makasiii...salam kenal juga! :)
jb: errr...gak enak ah ngomongin harga hehhehehe ;p
TARA: ahhaha...iya yaa...sama2 ada pose loncat hihihih...kebetulan sekaliiiiii :D
Olya Baileys: awww thanks a lot...will check out your blog!! :)
anonymous: blazernya beli di Pasar Senen hehehehe :D
cupcakey: oh yaaaa? hehe...aku emang ke sushi tei :p
blazer+those shoes=super fly!!
Aww.. I love your blazer and bag! So cute! :D
You look cute in colors! Great shoe purchase!
aku kurang suka yg ini,soalnya topman t-shirtnya jadi bikin agak aneh.. agak yaa,but stay cool as usually! ^^
pasar senen lt brp ? aku cari ga ketemu
love your style so much
thrifted blazerna belina d sebelah mana na pasar senen D? penasaraaaan niii pgn hunting...
Oh wow, I love those shoes!
love your wondershoe shoes,,,
hi d, kalo gw liat2 wajah kamu mirip ama mba welas yg di suami-suami takut istri (sodaraan bukan???),,,ama mirip2 olive popeye dikit hihihihi (kalo rambutnya diikat
Looove the blazer! Can't believe that it's thrifted! Wow
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