photo space_zpsab443ffb.png photo ootd_zpsvmcsbmod.jpg photo youtube_zpsl7hdozar.jpg photo 88_zpsqoko5stl.jpg photo midnight_zpsssf1cubd.jpg photo home_zpsh9wc5ewz.jpg

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Dear any of you people who enjoy stealing other people's artwork and claim it as yours,

Please don't let me disclose your identity here and put you to shame. It's damn pathetic to write "pic: by me, model: "xxx" when you, with all your consciousness, clearly know that you didn't even make one bit of that picture.

no love for you,


Kristi Fredzky said...

yes!what a shame for those ppl..
minta linknya dink ka di!biar aku liatt..hehhe

andra said...

ka Di,
coba buka ini :

maav sampe aku post,
itu kan buatan ka Di,tp dia ngaku-ngaku..
aduh kesel bgt ngeliatnya

Janice Nerissa said...

you're a nice person for not putting his/her identity here on your blog. :)

amel chan said...

Ah lagi2 dear,tegur lsng aja di blognya atw konfirmasi kl itu kry lo...slama ini mnrt pengamatan gw lo uda berusaha baik dan sabar bgt sama oknum2 trsbt.

life of a young lady said...

be patient y kak di:)

Anonymous said...

how pathetic those retards ahaha :D

Vorega Badalamenti Hartoto Hardikusumo said...

hahaha aku juga pernah merasakan hal yang sama, bahkan orangnya ngotot itu buatan dia. -_-'
ampe dipajang dimading kampus dan dikasih nama by siapa. ck ck ck
tapi mau gmana, dia masih temen dikampus jg.

cilyamarthalena said...

sabar ya say...yg pasti org yg plagiat itu pasti ngga bakal maju hidup nya...

and tetaplah berkarya..semangat..semangat...

Wiwin Winona Salim said...

shame on those people. hahaha. keep movin' diana! heart you :) & you're just being too nice of not putting their names on your blog. hehe :)

Cindy Khor said...

oh dear... although its a crime for plagarism, but i would have been a bit flattered that someone wants to copy me.

Fika said...

Sabar Di :)..
Klo abis postingan ini org itu ttp ga punya malu, ungkapkan saja jati dirinya disini..hehehe

Coz I'm sure that those ppl read this post :)..

Cheers! :)

Anonymous said...

kak diana yang sabar ya :)

josephine wayward said...

Sth similar happened to me twice.. some girls uploaded pictures of me, pretending to be me. just: wtf!?

ghaisani said...

maybe you should really put them on shame by linking your stolen pics here. maybe with that way, those people would think twice if they're gonna use your pics again hehe :)

Edhika said...

maybe you can say straight to that copycat in her site/blog..


febrina utami putri said...

haha aneh jg yah org itu, dy bnr2 ngira ga bakal ketauan x yah. what a shame. dengan diumbarnya link dy disini, ntar online shop dy jd laku lg gr2 trkenal, haha.

della said...

definitely a shame!!! Just because internet is a "zone without a law" doesn't mean we don't have E.T.H.I.C. phuleazzzee...

natasha estelle said...

its okay people know that those are yours :)

sasha said...

maybe you can put your name in every artwork you made ;)

hanny arianty gultom said...

iya yah Die.. kamu udah berkutat dengan this thing for decades..hehe.. tp tetep aja nyebelin banget yah Die.. ^^ (serasa merasakanya juga).. hehehe...

Xiaopei said...

Put your name in each every photos you taken. I mean like watermark them..

Anonymous said...

langsung tegur aja kak, aku liat udah sering kk curhat di blog begini terus. kasian aku.

Summer Heartbeat said...

ish, tak malu curi orang punya art. ish!

Diana Rikasari said...

guuuys...thank u so much for the support...i HATE plagiarists...geez. but again, i dont think i need to expose their identity least not for now...thanks a lot!

andra: saaay...kok aku gak nemu fotoku yaaa...emangnya ada?

andra said...

udh di apus ka sama dia,
masa pas bgt yaa sama aku ngepos langsung dia apus,
tp msh ada 1 foto dia yg backgroundnya pake karyanya kaka,
mav yaa ka Di..

Nabila Sindami said...

ada kok link yg di post @andra,, tp udah di apus oleh orang nya,, ckckckck

The Frocker said...

People who steal others' work should be ashamed of themselves... Not to be fixated on revenge, but negative things are returned to those who commit them!

Bima Aria Shiddiq said...

well for me, it sometimes happen... but i always can make a better design on stuff hahaha... i'll take somethin like as "challenge"

Caroline Robianto said...

well, that's just show the world that you're truly an inspiration, D! hehehe :D but i know that must be sucks :/

richa said...

ka Di, udah basi banget ya aku?? udh lama bgt nih ga buka blognya ka di..
nih ka liat deh

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