Another lovely surprise!!! Yaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! :D
Michael from
Whooga kindly sent me a pair of
ugg boots, something that I’ve been wanting for a looooooooooong time as I deem them to be, well, kinda ugly in a way, but somehow also appealing and for sure practical in many aspects.

They’re so warm, comfortable and light that I actually spent my night watching American Idol at home wearing them hehehhe....I love em!! Also something of a fluke that I’ll be visiting some cold highland next week, thus these boots came just in time...thank you sooo much, Michael! :)
Want a pair of ugg boots for free too? Join the competition
here! :D
Brother's G2000 shirt, Topshop jeans and necklace
Garage Store skirt, thrifted top, Zara blazer, Forever 21 studded belt
hi diana, suka sekali blog km, artwork nya dll.. can i be your friends?..:D
haloo di...
i'm one of your blog's daily reader! this is my first time to leave comment on your blog. those ugg boots are very popular here, yes that's true, sometimes they can look quite strange but you make them look cool... keep blogging! i like your ideas in fashion.. :)
wow, ikutan competitionnya ah.
Dii pindah sini yuuk biar ngerasain kehebatan ugg :p
Btw you've been tagged here
it's so cool!
wuahh, enak banget!!
tpi aq ga ngerti sama competitionnya..
jdi mksudna qt tinggal simply copy paste code itu, truz langsung dapet bootsnya??
kalo gituu enak bangett, hwhw ..
Aww diana! bestnya u got the ugg boots. i wished i had one, sangat mahal! btw, ive been in UK for 3 and a half years now, but still counldn't afford one. i opt for less expensive boots probably. yelah, i could end up with 2 boots instead of 1 ugg. probably one day! u r so lucky girl! :)
hey those look so comfy!!
wuiihhh lucu kk.. kak kalo olshop ke luar negeri gimana sih kak?
aku mau yg kek gitu....
ikutan kompetisinya aaahh...
I love the boots!! I have it too,,mine's in baby pink:)
Di,,where r u going??is it snowy also??
arent they so last year? :|
hehehehe. I need to get my *feet* on them soon. winter is approaching. I miss u dear.
I don't comment that frequent like last time; you have heaps of comment to read through. but I've never miss an update =)
omigosh! so jealous :-)))) i love ugg <3
i luuv ugg boots..but here in malaysia is toooo warm..i wish i cud go sumwhere snowy.. but urs look cute on u!
LOVE d boots..haha..i can imagine u wearing dat while watching tv..ur parents must be thinking wats wrong wit their daughter?hahaha
Just came across your blog and I think I love you now XD. Alsooo I used to hate uggs but then I got them on and now I need them and you just convinced me I really really DO NEED THEM.
terribly cute kak! xD
waaaaaw,cool shoes!
wah boot nya keren mba D.
mba D, hari ini casualcutie kesal sekali. selama belanja di ebay, baru kali ini casual cutie kehilangan 5 barang. sebal!! sebal!!! entah itu dicuri di pos negara tetangga atau pos Indonesia sendiri. Huh Seballll!!!
love the boots :)
hello, all!! so sorry for the late reply..and thank you! :)
ditha: thanks a lot! do u live in australia?
lynn: do join...very easy :)
ragil: haaaa...iya ya, lebih kerasa manfaatnya hehehe....;p will do that tag thing...thanks! :)
cindy: kamu copy-paste...nanti mereka akan undi deh kayaknya...coba aja..siapa tau beruntung say :)
frau.elize: there's no such thing as "in" or "out" for me hehehe..;p
superumi: and i ALWAYS open your blog on a daily basis...i miss u! get yourself an ugg...very very useful i believe ;)
Gricia: they're used to my weirdness hahaha
casual cutie: haaaaa kok bisaaaa? udah complain? say waiting so loooong for this boot...
how long???
jd masih pake diundi ya???
hehehhe..aku uda coba.. n dapet balesannya...
so what must i do now???just waiting???
I love your style di!!!so great!!
casual cutie jg ga ngerti. udah 5 yang ilang. udah complain ke sellernya, brg udah dikirim. ke kantor pos juga ga tau menau. yang jelas brg itu udah nyampe ke Indo. mungkin ilang di bea cukai. hahaha...memang enak belanja online, tp skrg hrs extra hati2. eh, bkn casual cutie aja lo yg brgnya ilang, temen casual cutie juga. hikkksss
I already join "doain ya Deee!!" Haha... :)
My name is Charles and i love to wera uggs. I bought a pair of Tall chocolate boots and it's so confortable
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