Invited to the
Queen Bee movie screening...the dress code was yellow & black...:)
Noinoi by Yufie dress, Dorothy Perkins tights, Fashion Puff necklace, unbranded gladiator sandals

Tika Putri the main cast...

The movie director, Fajar Nugros...

My dearest friend, Dipy...:)

I overall enjoyed the movie very much...I love how they managed to include various elements of romance, family, friendship and even some gun-action...kewl. I don't wanna be a spoiler so lets leave the review very brief watch the movie when it's out! :D
oh! how was the movie?
I really want to see it...
but I bet i have to wait a month until it screens in bali...
nice outfit bytheway...
oh! how was the movie?
I really want to see it...
but I bet i have to wait a month until it screens in bali...
nice outfit bytheway...
your dress is amazing
Hey Diana!
I've got the same thights ;)
Like you also do (I think)- I really like the combination of
"yellow thights + black",too.
thumbs up!
you looked great... like you always do!
yellow tights are my current favorite. and i don't understand why some people hate on the so much. they ARE bright. that's the POINT!
ah i'm curious about the movie tee hee. great outfit as always, kak ;)
& hot dress srsly.
:D lovees it.
like ur dress...
love as always your outfit!!!! i want some yellow thights too!!!! :( but is way too hot here in Mexico now, i cant wait for winter time!!!
waa.. cant wait to see the movie, then! :D
care to share wif me some indonesians onnline shopping blogS?
thank u :D
Hye D ! Yellow and black as it resembles Q.Bee yea ? Nice combination , nice dress but than you look petite in it (and you are!) . Nice match anyway , the shoes, kill ;)
So cool that you get invited to early screenings in your country! It looks like you had so much fun!!
i think i saw you today. Well at least I saw your friend with the yellow skirt. Grand Indonesia? :)
hey d! it was really nice meeting you hihi :D tadi tak sempat berfoto denganmu mendadak sudah hilang hehehe :P anyway, thanks udah di link ya.. saya udah link baliks :D toodles!
Di.. where do u buy the dress?
love it very much...
is it online or?
would u mind share the link?
I really like your dress.. :)
woow, the dress is super great! and the pictures look like lot of fun :).
WOW kayaknya outfit diana mengalahkan sang pemeran utama aka TIKA aka QUEEN BEE nih pas ntn film itu , bener gak?????filmnya seru ya??mau ntn ah.....bulan juni ya tayangnya wah itu kan bulan ulangtahun gw , jd gak sabar nunggu BULAN JUNI, he..he...
kirimin vcd-nya donq Di.. I'm wondering heheheh.
U look cute
nice tights.
wow i love your outfit and your dress! =D gorgeous
waow bajunya keren...
btw, mba D, mba Tika Putrinya pake bedak ketebelan. keliatan jelas di fotonya, sampe leher putih trus bawahnya coklat. jelas bgt. hehehe...
i love the dress
so stylish
love the clutch <3
I really really really love your blog. I always open it everyday and I never be disappointed. :D
how's the movie kak?
I guess I will watch it :]
hehehe dii kyk lebah beneran,,, lucu dehh,,, ^^
eniweiii ceritanya fashion gitu ya? posternya gambar baju baju soalnya hoho
u look cooler than Queen Bee aka Tika Putri.. Dressnya lucu banget.......
Love your necklace Di!!
where did you buy the gladiator sandal?
we've just interviewed Tika Putri for the upcoming issue of ELLE Magazine Indonesia :)
wait for it!
this is very random, but,
i think you're really pretty. scratch that. you're beautiful.
yay.. love how u mix n match d dress
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