Steve Madden shoes
finally arrived...the moment I tried them on, I literally felt like throwing them away...there's just something wrong with the sole pattern that makes it very uncomfortable for the feet especially when walking in them. It's nice to see though. Grrrr.

PS top worn as dress, unbranded silk cardigan, Topshop bandage skirt, Forever 21 studded belt, unbranded sheer tights, D-I-Y necklace
So I guess these shoes will only come out on occasions where I'll just sit most of the time...:)
It's surely nice to see.
Just like the one tat
Harajuku Girls wear.
beli sole yg buat heels ja?? biar ga pgel gtu.
spatuna gorgeous..
nice pair! :)
can i get ur myspace email??
do u have one??
D, its really lovely thou, but yeah heels do kill aight ?
haha killer heels! I have one too. We have a love and hate relationship. LOL
Diana, you look thinner. I am not saying you're sick or something. I just think you lost weight. Stress?!?
some says, fashion is about pain ^^ kikikikik :p looks nice on u though :)
the heels is nice. but what's up with the outfit?
kak di gamau masang music generator lagi ya di blog?
i really aodre your music sense :(
--maaf nggak nyambung ya kak hhe
big hug-your fans
hi... the heels realy look cute.. it's too bad that they are killing you...
yay! finally arrived! see what I've told ya.. pretty nice shoes but so damn hard to walk in ;)
high five for 'the exactly same shoes', then ;D
Wonderful shoes!
urm nice shoes..really nice..sayangnya tak selesa...:(..itulah risiko beli online kan?
aawww,, u look so pretty with that shoes. how do you get that?
Cool outfit!
That's sad about the shoes.
di... i think you're just getting thinner and thinner... i love the way the shoes fit you... tapi kalo gak enak dipake sayang banged ya... :)
Nice shoes!And i love your pinky fabulous :D
Sadly, Steve Madden shoes are not known for comfort. I have a few pairs and they always end up at the back of the closet because they're pretty but not exactly wearable.
Oh my! I could never keep shoes that were that uncomfortable.
wow wow..keren lo mba D...
ko akhir2 ini mba D keliatan agak menghitam dan mengurus ya??? banyakin makan donk, br bentuk badannya agak lbh berisi.
niceee shoesss and ur purple long cardi is gorgeous!
too bad they are painful to wear.. coz they look totally gorgeous!!
sayang bgt yha cara biar jd nyaman gk?taro gel spatu munkin?tp rada mirip belle'mu yha di..anyway ps top'ny jd gk kliatan biasa krn ide kreatif lo di..hehe..
(visit my blog to see nu updates on 2nd items n nu arrival)
that is wayyy hot babe
this one looks like the one you have from mitchybell i think..
hai di, i'm your silent reader
looking at your pics day by day, I just want to say
come on, please eat more..
u won't look better if you are this skinny :(
i love ur slim body fits anything
but not too skinny like this.
look at you, you almost lose the woman's curve and i barely can differentiate between the legs and thighs.
and that's not a good news, I think :(
you're skinny??? no no no
i think you're fine,, i love you're body
i don't understand why people sayin that you're skinny--
and i love that shoes,, btw,, where did you get the pair??
Hello Diana!!i luv the cardigan..can you tell me where can i get it? :) luv your style!!!!
harus sering dipake tuh biar nyaman. hehe. biasanya gitu kan :)
bte dear, i just spread some award and youre in it. check out my blog to see. big thanks :) :)
beli dimana steve madden di indo? :|
and how much is it. coz in here Steve Madden shoes are around AU$150-ish. its a gorgeous pair of heels anyways.
btw coba check deh. theyre my favourite atm.. (unfortunately theyre quite expensive..and will never on sale..and the site is awesome..)
i remembered chekka wore the exact same shoes and she couldn't stop complaining it hurt my ears hehehe...
but still they're sooo cool. they really look good on you, diana. maybe as you said, just wear them to events where you do not need to walk too much :D
Such a shame they're uncomfortable cause they look so damn cool!
Just wanted to say I adore your blog and your style so much :)
LOLOLOVE the heels. DO something about it so you can wear it often.
me want the cardigan so much....
eh , kak . kok bs sih diedit kayak gtu?
pke apa kak? hehehe
ak cmn bs ilangin backgroundnya ajah.
hbs it gmn kak?
oia , btw , nice shoes !!!
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