hello miss diana! aku suka bangeett style kamu disini! sophisticated! tapi muka kamu yang babyface jadi keliatan terlalu dewasa ya? hehehe.. congrats ya miss diana ;D
dee selamat, eh karena ada sesuatu hal baju rancangan gw buat lu terpaksa gagal, karena tukang jahitnya udah pindah malah udah kasih uang DP lagi, btw sebagai gantinya gw pengen ngasih barang lain tapi masih bingung gw mau kasih sepatu, tas dress, skirt atau apa? ntar kasih ukuran baju, sepatu ke alamat email gw ya oke gw tunggu secepatnya :0
hi, guuuysss...thanks a lot for the sweet comments!! :) and thank you for the support you all have given to me...it's really heart warming...really. Thank youuu!! :)
congrats to your feature!
i like your office attire look!
hello miss diana!
aku suka bangeett style kamu disini! sophisticated! tapi muka kamu yang babyface jadi keliatan terlalu dewasa ya? hehehe.. congrats ya miss diana ;D
duhhhhhhh makin ngefans gw ama lo Diana hahhaha...
bener" menginspirasi wanita indonesia nih
Hello, nice blog. Love all ur outfits! Wanna have a look at lovely wedge n pinky heel? Feel free to drop by http://weenstuff.blogspot.com. TQ :D
wow congratulations, kak! love your look in here too!
Congrats..You look great on it..;D
waaaa.. congratsss diana! :)
You look so beautiful! Congratulations on getting features, this is so cool. I can imagine that it's kinda weird seeing yourself in a magazine.
congrats! you look cute as always, even with your office suits ^^
Diana, the pleasure is all mine to feature you on my magazine
Keep on blogging and have fun with style :)
selamat yah..keren artikelnya ^^
wow, congrats for your feature :D
love your look kak =)
great! nice article, cute outfit. <3
Congratulations on the interview you deserve it.
boohoo u made me so proud *sniff*
hehehe sape jg gw
GREAT ka! :D
diana = di[m]ana-[mana]..
salam kenal :)
wow... it's really awesome... congratulations yaa... it seems like everybody's starting to like you even more now... good for you....
Aww congrats! ;)
Congrats Di!
Makin hari makin terkenal aja :D
Cool D ! And yeah you look matured, thats good aight ? The market researcher look :)
Awesome stuff!!
wooow, how cool is that!?
You are being featured left right and centre Little Miss Popular :)
Die bentar lagi ada di BAZAAR.. hehehe.. (wishing..^^)...
iya die terlihat lbih mature, cantik.. ^^
ps: my friends, sisters, n bf will be tired me talking about you more often.. hehehehe.. ^^v
ms. hunzipheartcore!
The picture looks so professional!
Kereeeen!! Congrats baby!! Di, sering2 posting baju2 kantor juga donq, I am starting to get job interviews, lol.
love, ragil
dee selamat, eh karena ada sesuatu hal baju rancangan gw buat lu terpaksa gagal, karena tukang jahitnya udah pindah malah udah kasih uang DP lagi, btw sebagai gantinya gw pengen ngasih barang lain tapi masih bingung gw mau kasih sepatu, tas dress, skirt atau apa? ntar kasih ukuran baju, sepatu ke alamat email gw ya oke gw tunggu secepatnya :0
hi, guuuysss...thanks a lot for the sweet comments!! :) and thank you for the support you all have given to me...it's really heart warming...really. Thank youuu!! :)
td g bc di..bner bgt lo kliatan dewasa dsana..tp tetep cute kok...
wahahaa congrats! you're like a celebrity already (:
sist...love your style since the first sight!!!insipiringly banget!!!
by the way,,,heels merah mu yang ini beli dimana sist kalo aku boleh tau...
kak diana, for me u look so simple in this picture...urm, saya lemah indonesian language..:( tak paham sangat...im from malaysia but still tak paham.
hello Miss Di...
Awesome =>
wulan =>
AWWWW...makin yahud deh....:)
cosmopolitan euy! besok apa yaaa??
wonderful! ^_^
Diana you are a Superstar!
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