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Friday, August 5, 2016

Tokyo & Their Way Of Life

So I just came back from Tokyoooooooo! Can't believe I have visited Tokyo twice already this year! This second trip was actually very impulsive and spontaneous. My friend, Dinda, has planned her trip to Tokyo since months ago and I just called her up one week before her departure and asked, "can I join you?"..:D So lucky that it only takes 4 days to settle the Japan visa. Ha! :)

While Dinda is actually on a 9-days trip to Tokyo (she's still in Tokyo as I am writing this post btw), I only joined her for the first 4 days. But let me tell you, I had a really really great time in such a short short time. We walked soooooo much, and I guess the walking was where we discovered so many things along the journey. I love Tokyo. It's like a good old plain vanilla, if it was a flavor. It's sweet and simple yet addictive. It's just in the right dose for a lot of things. Nothing is extravagant, it's just nice. It's sweet, vanilla sweet.

Things I learned from Tokyo:

Pay attention to the tiniest details
Because in Tokyo, details matter. Details are what makes a thing "a thing". The way you tie a ribbon, how you fold a paper, how you place spoons, how you stick a sign on the wall.

Live fast, walk fast, but enjoy life like it's on a slow motion
I notice that people walk very fast in Tokyo, like time is money kinda thing. But I see their faces, they look calm and peaceful. It's like they're just content with life. They love life.

Be courteous, be helpful
Not one Japanese I encountered in Tokyo was rude. Everyone was extremely nice and friendly, and for whatever question you have, they will always try to answer and help out.

Be tolerant
You're not allowed to be noisy on the subway, you must walk in certain lanes, handphones must be kept silent. It sounds like there are a lot of rules. but no, it's actually nice. These rules are made so people always feel comfortable and undisturbed in whichever space they are. Everyone gets the peace they deserve.

Live clean
Dustless and spotless, I guess Japanese are clean freaks. It's amazing how they keep walls and walkways and roads and everything public so clean. And guess what? You will find very few garbage cans on the streets of Tokyo because people are encouraged to bring home their own trash.

Be responsible
Having said the point above, bringing home your own trash kinda translates to "be responsible for your own trash". It makes you think of the things you want to bring or consume because you know you will have to take care of the aftermath yourself.

Be strong
Moms in Tokyo are amazing. They travel with their children by themselves without the help of a helper or nanny. I have witnessed so many mothers walking so far while carrying their baby or toddler on their chest and  both hands are carrying huge shopping bags. I even saw a mom on the subway carrying two babies at once - one on her left and another on her right - and with all that, she is still carrying her purse and a shopping bag. So strong and inspiring!

Connect with nature
I guess, flowers and plants are a way of life in Tokyo. Every house, shop and building always has plants and flowers in front of their entrance doors and it's beautiful.

I love you, Tokyo. Will definitely visit you again soon.


TiaraAle said...

hopefully i can visit tokyo one day :'')

Unknown said...

Betul banget, Diana. Saya ke sana 2015 lalu dan Tokyo memang unik. Yang saya ingat, warganya seperti hidup "di bawah tanah". Stasiun kereta bawah tanah sangat penuh dan semua orang bergerak cepat dan fokus. They even build mal and shoping center di stasiun bawah tanah. Dan "di atas tanah" kota terasa tidak hectic, rapi, warganya mandiri dan pekerja keras. I saw elderly masih bekerja seperti menyapu trotoar atau membersihkan kaca toko. Kombinasi susasana kota yang teratur sekaligus penuh kejutan di sudut sana-sini kota dengan detail mereka meletakkan pot bunga di trotoar, warna cat bangunan yang pastel, dll. It was a lovely city :).

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