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Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Accident

Yesterday, when Shahmeer and I were in the car with our driver, our car got hit by another car. The damage wasn't extremely bad, but the process of us almost being in an even more terrible situation was very frightening. Thank God my driver took the right decision to just stop because if he hadn't, God knows what could have happened. I was so scared that I kept covering Shahmeer in his baby car seat while screaming, "just stop, stop, let them hit our car". 

The other car was trying to take over the lane from the left even though there was barely any space that it kept pushing our car to the right, making our car almost hit the divider on the right. They managed to take over the lane, by squeezing and damaging the left side of our car. The driver? A young, beautiful lady.

The car stopped, and the boyfriend, sitting on her left, was the one who came out. Instead of apologizing, he started to scold my driver and threaten to take my driver to the police. Being on the right side, of course my driver didn't accept any of his arguments. I then came out, wanting to speak nicely and clarify the situation. However, the very good-looking guy just looked at me, didn't say a word, got back into the car, and drove away.

And there I was, standing on the side of the road, looking at them driving away so fast, feeling speechless and pathetic. I felt like someone just left me hanging. Didn't I have the right to say something? Hello?

I was very upset - not angry - but upset after the accident. I wasn't really much into the damage of our car, but more about how a person coming from my own generation can behave so ill? Aren't we supposed to be the better generation? The ones who will make this country better? Aren't we supposed to be the honest, clean, responsible people - not the corrupt?  Don't even talk about being financially responsible for my car's damage. Them coming clean and just admitting their fault would have been okay.

Dear beautiful lady and the handsome young man driving a black Honda car (B 8749 KA) in Bekasi Barat toll around 3pm, 

They say, a nation's character can be judged by the youth. I will always remember your faces. How you put my baby's life in danger, and how you didn't make a good name for the youth of Indonesia.

- Diana Rikasari


Anonymous said...

sabar ya dee..insya Alloh everything will be ok...

dira indira said...

saya ikut deg2an bacanya.
if anyone knows the person who has the car with those plate number. seriously, you must slap them by made them reading this post..

remember to pray in every situation so whatever happened is on Allah's blessing.

Anonymous said...

Indonesia is such a great country with beautiful culture and nature, but sadly, some of the people living in Indonesia aren't very considerate or smart in making choices and doing things. I hope you recover soon and post more wonderful outfit pictures!

hanny arianty gultom said...

kasian baby shahmeer.. :( thanks God you guys are okay..


Innnayah said...

ikutan ber api-api nih bacanya. ya begitulah..
semoga semuanya akan baik-baik saja, semoga baca ya dua orang itu.

alia pewe said...

Serem banget padahal kan ga boleh mendahului dari sebelah kiri, dan ketika mau pindah jalur pun mestinya bisa memperhitungkan jarak. Di tol pula kejadiannya, alhamdulillah mobil kak di masih bisa ngerem dan mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan yang lebih besar.

Tetap semangat ya kak. Semoga nggak bikin trauma dan cerita ini bisa membuat pembacanya makin berhati-hati dalam berkendara :)

Hera said...

Dan inilah, yang saya banggakan dari tulisan-tulisan seorang Diana Rika Sari, yakni tulisan yang selalu mengingatkan kita, para kawula muda, untuk terus mengutamakan perilaku yang baik serta sikap yang santun. Sebutan bangsa yang berbudaya, ramah, sopan dan santun bahkan sudah jauh kita tinggalkan. Di kantor, dijalanan,dimana-mana , sikap anak muda jaman sekarang kebanyakan tidak bermoral walau pintar secara akademis.

rara said...

yang sabar.. semoga semua baik - baik saja

Cindy Khor said...

OMG, thank goodness that everyone's ok. I do know that Indonesia drivers are known for their driving skills (especially the overtaking capability and I don't mean it in a bad way, I was even in awe) as I have experienced it when I was on holiday in Yogjakarta. But this couple is just too much...

Hopefully you won't have to encounter anymore such inconsiderate and reckless drivers as it surely makes me anxious even when reading it.

Mary Andrikus said...

untung aja kak D and baby Shahmeer selamat yah...
but yaampun, where are people manners these days? :(

Cayleen & Cheryl said...

So sorry to hear what happened to you and your baby.

deewardani said...

Thank God you area alright. Something similar happened to me awhile back. I was on my way to make some errands with my husband (he was driving). The street wasn't too crowded but this car was driving so fast and so close to us. The driver kept rushing on us, pushing us to the left side of the road. But just after passing a traffic light, they intentionally drove us by grazing its car directly to us, as if they were purposely trying to hit us.
Driving down the streets and highways in Jakarta is really scary, especially since a lot of drivers think they are always the right one and keep forgetting their manners. Kisses to baby Shahmeer, hope this incident didn't traumatize any of you.

Wangiseruni said...

Should put 'a sticker' "drive with manner" in every public or private transportation.

arum said...

I'm feeling angry after read this

Dinda Naya said...

Thank God you and your baby is alright. Even though it was a traumatic experience, just remember to do prayers before you head anywhere... even simple bismillah will do :)

Hopefully the lady and the guy will apologize to you soon, after all, apologizing didn't cost a single penny :)

Much love,
Dinda Nayaredhanty

izzy said...

seru juga ya sist baca ceritanya

Nindy Hardjadinata said...

Oh maybe the boyfriend recognized you Kak Di! :O That's why he shut and walked away, because he knows you're "somebody".

However, alhamdulillah everybody in the car was okay. All iz well, Kak :')

Izzah A said...

Ya ampun jadi sedih :(, semoga ga banyak pemuda yg kayak gitu

Quirkyjelly said...

haduh abege labil tuh yang bawa mobil.

marah dan kesel bacanya kak.

alhamdulillah dilindungi Allah untuk kaka di beserta Shahmeer & pak supir.

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