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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Click Click Swipe Swipe!

I found the hashtag #hoverfinger being quite a topic on social media so I got curious on what it actually was. Turns out, #hoverfinger was referring to a syndrome of people who fear to shop online.

Being an online shop owner myself, I do feel the need to have a say on this topic. To start off, I’m basically an online person heheheh. Since I started blogging, I became very comfortable with doing things online. Not just browsing per se, but actually “doing” things. Like doing research, doing business, shopping, brainstorming, getting mentored (yes, I have an online mentor for my business), and making things happen globally. The internet is a great thing. As long as we are smart and wise enough to use it sensibly. 

On online shopping, I’ve been getting some feedback that some customers still feel uncomfortable with making transactions online – especially using credit or debit card – with the fear that someone might steal their identity and swipe it off some other place, which may cause them canceling the transaction just before the payment. I can assure you though, that both my online shops – Up and Pop Flats are safe for such transactions, especially that both of them have been Verified by Visa.

There are steps in making your credit card payment, making sure that things are safe and that your card number can only be used by you. And besides, it is so much simpler and faster than making manual payments where you would have to go to the ATM to complete your purchase.

All in all, the comfort is all there but the decision is all yours. Alhamdulillah I’ve been shopping online a LOT and nothing bad has happened. Just make sure that the website your making a transaction from is Verified by Visa. Do drop by my Up and Pop Flats store to give it a try, yes? Hihihi..

Muah! :)


Bagus Galih Hastosa said...

lol iklan terselubung di? wwkwkwkwkw

aku pernahsih kejadian jelek beli online barang g dateng, tapi sekarang malah jadi jualan onlinejuga.

kalo kamu ikutin acc blacklist shop di insta, agak2 ngeri juga sih soalnya susah juga klo bedain yang mana terpercaya dan ga, dan sayangnya blum ada tindakan kepolisian untuk ngatasin majalah penipuan cyber macem gini

Anonymous said...

I am the kind who can't live without internet. Surf blogs, watch video and read online novels. However, I don't do online shopping for clothes as I prefer to try on the clothes before buying. Due to bad experience of ill-fitting clothes bought online, I prefer to shop in brick & mortar store.

Unknown said...

Wahh, kebetulan kemarin diminta teman aku untuk kasih testimoni soal pengalaman transaksi online pakai kartu kredit dari Visa untuk campaign Hover Finger juga :)

Jujur, meskipun aku suka belanja online, tapi kalau pakai kartu kredit tuh masih ngrasa gak aman (baik di konsumen maupun penjual). Apalagi di Indo sepertinya belum banyak ya jadi pelayanannya mungkin juga belum maksimal. Kalau pakai CC harus super percaya sama olshopnya. Takut kena hack, dicuri nomernya, dsb.

Tapi semoga aja dengan campaign HoverFinger dari Visa ini menunjukkan ada peningkatan pelayanan & keamanan pakai kartu kredit di Indonesia. Jadi, belanja online jauhhh lebih mudah :D


Unknown said...

yuk teman teman gabung di online terpercaya dan terjamin bermain dengan uang asli via bak bca, bni dan mandiri , minimal depo dan wd 50.000

wulan said...

just share
selama ini udah beberapa kali belanja onlen, Alhamdulillah fine-fine aja, baik di olshop atau blanja ke butik perorangan..
pernah kejadian barangnya cacat, tapi boleh dibalikin, dituker, dan ongkirnya diganti :)
saran buat yang masih pada takut blanja onlen:
- blanja di olshop2 yang jelas, yang kasi review jelas tentang barang yang mau kita beli (gambar aja kadang bisa nipu)
- kalo ada, mending pake layanan cod, jadi bisa dicek
- bandingkan harga barang n spesifikasi di beberapa olshop
- kalo barang branded yang juga dijual di toko/mal, bandingkan dengan harga toko/mal, bisa jadi dapt diskon lumayan
mdh2n bermanfaat...
hepi onlen shoping

Unknown said...

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